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Spring Growth Spell

April2024 WitchesUnion

Springtime is a season of renewal and rebirth, a perfect time to infuse our lives with fresh energy and new beginnings. Whether you're looking to cultivate personal growth, embark on a new venture, or simply bring more balance and joy into your daily existence, a Spring Growth Spell can be a powerful tool.

This spell harnesses the potent energies of the equinox—a time when day and night are in perfect balance—to plant the seeds of your intentions, nurture them with your attention and care, and watch as they grow alongside the awakening earth. It's a beautifully symbolic way to connect with the natural world and remind ourselves that, just like the seasons, we too are ever-evolving. So, if you're ready to embrace change and growth, this spell is a simple, down-to-earth way to start.

What You Need:

  • Any candle you have (We’d recommend the Let It Grow New Moon candle if you want to get fancy!)
  • A small container of dirt (a cup of garden soil or a potting mix from any plant you have)
  • Any seed (this could be a seed from your kitchen like an apple seed, a dried bean, or even a piece of a plant you'd like to root)
  • A small stone or pebble (something you find appealing)
  • A piece of paper and something to write with
  • A glass of water



1. Set the Scene: Find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a comfortable corner will do.

2. Intentions: Take a moment to think about what you'd like to bring into your life. It could be as simple as "more happiness," "patience," or "a new hobby." Write it down on the paper.

3. Planting Your Intentions: Fill your container with the soil. Plant your seed or piece in the soil while thinking about your intention growing. This is a symbolic act, so what you're planting isn't as important as the thought behind it.

4. Light Your Candle. Light your candle safely. As you do, say something like, "As this light shines, may my intentions grow." Feel free to adjust the words to whatever feels right to you.

5. Stone for Strength: Place the stone on the soil as a symbol of the strength and steadiness you wish for your intentions. Think of it as an anchor that keeps your desires grounded and protected.

6. Water Your Intentions: Slowly pour some water over the soil, not too much, just enough to moisten it. As you do, imagine your intentions being nourished and beginning to sprout.

7. Reflect: Spend a few minutes quietly thinking about your intention growing with the plant. There's no need to meditate if that's not your thing; just a moment of quiet thought is perfect.

8. Finishing Up: Blow out your candle safely or let it burn down if you're going to be around to watch it. Keep your planted seed in a spot where you'll see it often as a reminder of your intention. Water it when needed, and watch as both it and your intention grow together.


Remember: This spell is all about the intention and the symbolism behind each act. There's no need for anything fancy or specific. Use what you have, and put your heart into it. That's where the real magic happens.


Tip: Keep it simple and focus on the positive changes you wish to see. Magic is all around us, in the everyday moments, and in the simple acts of nurturing a seed or lighting a candle with intention.

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