Coventry Creations Blogs

Mugwort: A Psychic’s Favorite Herb

July2024 HerbMagic 400I decided to write about mugwort because I am doing a 30-day challenge with it. I drink a cup of mugwort tea before bedtime every night for an entire moon cycle. Here’s what I’ve noticed so far. My dreams have become increasingly surreal, and the spirits that often visit me during sleep are speaking to me in unusual guises. I am used to seeing them in a certain way and now they are changing faces and bodies continuously.

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Yarrow: A Powerful Herb Steeped in Myth

June2024 HerbMagicYarrow, with its delicate white flowers and feathery leaves, belies an incredible power that has been revered throughout the ages. This humble herb has been a staple in the gardens and ritual practices of witches, healers, and herbalists for centuries. Its mystical properties are woven into the fabric of numerous cultures and traditions.

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Dittany of Crete : Rediscovering An Ancient Herb

May2024 HerbMagic

What is Dittany of Crete?

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Basil, the Ultimate Guide to a Classic Magical Herb

April2024 HerbMagic 400px

Basil. It’s not just a good name for sheep. When you think of basil, it’s likely your brain jumps to food. The Italian and Thai peoples in particular, make extensive use of this most aromatic of herbs. Considered a royal herb, Basil’s Latin name, Basileus means “king” and its Greek name, Basilikon, aligns it to the Basilisk.

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The Lasting Allure of Lavender in Love Magic

Jan2024 HerbMagic

The Lasting Allure of Lavender in Love Magic

TL;DR: Lavender's legacy in love magic is as enduring as it is enchanting. From ancient baths to modern bedrooms, its role in kindling and nurturing love has remained unchallenged. The captivating scent and the deep-rooted history of lavender continue to make it an essential element in the pursuit of love and romance.

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