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Spellwork 101

June2023 Magic101

One of the biggest questions that comes along with doing spells is “How long will it take for my spell to work?” And while there are many factors that affect the speed your spell works, the short answer is: It depends.

There are a few things to consider when wondering how long it will take for your spell to work. How much healing or clearing do you need to ensure your path is open for your spell to become real? Is the momentum of your life aligned with the spell? How complex was the spell? If your spell is very different from the life you are living, if you have a lot of healing and clearing work to do in your life, or if the spell you did was too complex, it may take a longer time for your spell to become a reality. 

Instead of focusing on when your spell will work, ask, “How do I know if my spell is working?” When doing spells, keep a journal and take note every day of any changes that have happened, big or small. Doing this will show you the progress your spell has made, even if it is slow. Fearing or doubting that the spell isn't working is the fastest way to sabotage it.  

Even if you aren’t getting what you wanted out of the spell you did, it is still working for you. It might not work out the way you want, but it may help you discover what you need to heal or what you need to change in your life. At the end of the day, be flexible, go with the flow, and pay attention to the messages that come to you.


You can find more about spellwork and candle magic in my new book, The Big Book of Candle Magic!


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