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Creating Your Magic Altar

Nov2022 Magic101

 You’ve got everything you need to do spellwork and candle magic now what? It’s time to make an altar for yourself! 


What is a Magic Altar?

An altar is more than just where you place your candles. It’s a space where your magic manifests and you communicate with your spirits.

It’s where the magic happens! Your altar is an important part of candle magic, so choose wisely when picking a spot to set it up.

Altars have three levels: Above- this symbolizes the world of spirit and divinity. Below- represents the physical world in which things manifest. Lastly, the middle level, where you put your candles, is where the two meet and the quickening of magic occurs.


How to Dress Up Your Altar

Your altar reflects both your magic and your life, so make it yours! You can add anything to it that makes sense to you. Some examples are candles (of course), stones, herbs, oils, tarot cards, things that inspire you, altar cloths, pictures, handwritten spells, or affirmations. The list is never-ending. Add some color to your altar as well, ones that make sense to you or ones that represent the energy you are trying to manifest! A few common colors that are used are red, white, and black. Black, or brown, is used to represent the earth, white to represent the divine, and red to represent the quickening that comes from connecting heaven and earth.

When you are dressing up your altar, be sure to talk to everything you are adding and tell it what its job is. Doing this helps make sure that your story is being interpreted the correct way.


It’s Your Turn Now! 

Now that you know what an altar is and how to dress it up, find a place in your home to set yours up! This is a space just for you to not only do magic but you can use for worshiping or honoring someone/something. Have fun with it. After all, it is a special place for YOU to do your spell work and manifesting. 

Once you get comfortable with creating an altar for yourself, you can start to make different altars for a bunch of different things! If you want to learn more about the different types of altars and how to use them, check out Aunt Jacki’s Big Book of Candle Magic or Coventry Magic Book. Love your altar and want to share it? Make sure to tag us on social media. We would love to see how yours came together!

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