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Grounding Your Ideas So They Stand the Test of Time

Dec2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Gemini on December 7, 2022

Gemini energy is sparkly and inspiring and you may think you’ve hit the motherload of million-dollar ideas. Don’t let the Gemini Full Moon trick you into investing your time and hard-earned money into pie in the sky fantasies and unicorn dreams.

If you use this power right, you can ground the best idea of the lot and turn it into sustainable long-term plans that help you to achieve your goals.

Candle Ritual for Fine-tuning your Ideas to Stand the Test of Time

For this candle ritual, you will need a Wicked Witch Mojo Outta My Way candle, Blessed Herbal Stability candle and candle holders, Success Chakra Magic spray, pen, paper, and material for your vision board. Most people use magazine images to create their vision boards. The idea is to put images or things on your board that tells the story about your big plans and about you as you change and grow while you achieve your goal.

First, we want you to clear your mind and emotions of distractions, and objections to being successful in any way. Light the Outta My Way candle while you purge your mind and heart of all the counterproductive thoughts and feelings to living an easy and productive life. You can write them out and then burn the paper or you can talk them out, right into the flame.

Start with the low-hanging fruit to warm up and then get specific. “I’m stupid, ugly, too shy” are important to release, but we want you to really get into it. Did you fail math class and still hurt over it? Let that go. Did someone break your heart? Forgive them and let it go. Did your parents do a terrible job loving and caring for you? Forgive them and let that go. Keep releasing all the reasons you think you can’t be great into the flame or onto the paper. When you are done, burn the paper and then extinguish the candle.

Now that you feel better and lighter, get ready to grow legs on your big idea. Prepare the stability candle by taking off the packaging and etching into the side your ultimate goal. Use a few words or a symbol then place it in the candle holder, say the blessing from the label, and light it. 

Next, get to work on that vision board. As you pick images that tell the story of your plans, goals, and life changes, spray the Success Chakra Magic spray on the board. Let the scent of the candle ground the energy of your vision board into your immediate future. Know that it will be stored and then released as you need it, at the right time and right place. When you are done, and this is the most important part, ask your plans and your vision board to be blessed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, God, and whomever you pray to when you need a big boost to your hopes and dreams. Pray that only the highest good for all be manifested.

As you begin to work your plans, spray the Success Chakra Magic spray into your aura and around the work. Be careful not to spray it directly onto your work or your clothes as it has oil in it. We don’t want you to stain or spoil anything. Keep going and we wish you great success! 

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

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