Coventry Creations Blogs

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December means focusing on the present (not just the presents).

Dec2022 Feature

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should do today!

Out with the old and in with the new! But what will the new bring? That’s for you to decide and with Capricorn season on its way, it’s time to take charge, seize the day, and carve your own path.

November was about leaving the past behind and looking to the future. December brings that future to the here and now and you need to take advantage of the opportunities that come with it. What you do and don’t do today will determine how your 2023 unfolds. So borrow a page from Saturn’s playbook and take care of business!

And, as long as you’re focusing on the present, why not focus on some presents! We’ve got the perfect gifts to brighten your holidays no matter what you celebrate this time of year. We’ve got our brand new Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate line of candles, oils, and sprays as well as our limited edition Christmas themed candles, Krampus & Kringle.


Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Candles, Oils, and Sprays
Shop Now!

Krampus & Kringle Candles - $31.25 each
Shop Now!


This Holiday Season You Can Be Naughty and Nice!

Whether you’re into sleigh rides or “slay” rides, Coventry Creations has got you covered with the perfect gifts!


Introducing the Krampus & Kringle candles!


Kringle - Celebrating the season’s greatest ambassador, the Kringle candle, in a deep Holiday green, will burn brightly on any garland-draped mantle.


Krampus - As black as the shadow of a forgotten Christmas, the Krampus candle is the perfect way to counter the sickeningly saccharine air of the Holidays.


These large, 2.5 x 6.5 inch, pillar candles are available now. 


Be sure to get yours before the Holiday rush!

Visit our website to browse our unique products, read our blogs and more (SIGN UP HERE).  Make sure to check out our Witches Union page. It celebrates the powerful witch in you.  We’ve got products, contests, and a Spell Caster Club Facebook group.  Be part of something special, our witchy community, because you are special.  You can do magic!


Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox (SIGN UP HERE) 

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