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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2022

Dec2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic December 2022

The month of December brings us the beginning of Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

In other words, it’s not the time to be passive and let the world pass you by; it’s the time to seize your moment and make things happen. Since Capricorn is a cardinal sign, the past no longer matters. It is what you can do today that should be your focus.

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn. Now, Saturn gets a lot of bad press in pop astrology. He is the planet of limitations, boundaries, responsibilities, and duties, but Saturn has an important function. Saturn doesn’t put off what can be accomplished today, so he can go out with friends, surf social media sites, or shop until he drops. He grinds things out because structure and foundation are more important than frivolity.

In Greek myth, Saturn ruled over the ‘Golden Age’. The Golden Age was a time of peace, prosperity, and abundance, but it wasn’t accomplished with “wish” magic, it was accomplished with ‘do’ magic. In other words, good old-fashioned elbow grease!

So, to put it simply, Capricorn season is about taking care of business (personal and professional), and to achieve a successful New Year, you must lay the foundation. Just make sure what you plant will be fruitful!

Recommended Candles for Capricorn Season: Saturn (Astro Magic), Stability (Blessed Herbal), Success (Chakra Magic).


5 Ways to Make the Most of Capricorn Season

1.  Career Magic:  Capricorn season is all about ambition and profession. This is the perfect time to do magic to find a new job or even to get a better job. It’s also an excellent time for you to obtain the favor of older, experienced, or superior (as in position) people. You can use the energy of the sign of the goat to land the position you want.

Recommended Candles: Mars (AstroMagic), Success (Affirmation), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki)

2.  Success Magic:  Are you working on a new project or releasing a new product? Capricorn season is ideal for success magic. The symbol for Capricorn is a goat, and its horn, known as the cornucopia, is filled with prosperity and abundance. You can use this season to level up and ensure you get everything you deserve, and then some.

Recommended Candles:  Everything and Then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), Success (Chakra Magic), Lakshmi (World Magic)

3.  Reputation Magic:  Do you need to be noticed for the work you do, or did you make a mistake and need to repair a damaged reputation? Well, Capricorn season is the best time to fix things or make things happen. You can use this month’s energy to improve your social image or get the attention you deserve.

Recommended Candles:  Sweet Grass (World Magic), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Mars (Astro Magic)

4.  Business Magic:  Many businesses suffered during the pandemic because of circumstances beyond their control. Now is the time to reclaim your power and be the cause, not the effect. Use this energy in any business situation that needs a boost. Capricorn season is also the perfect time to start something new.

Recommended Candles:  Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal), Uncrossing (Aunt Jacki), Saturn (Astro Magic)

5.  Prosperity Magic:  Anytime the Sun is in an earth sign, it’s an excellent time to do prosperity magic. So, Capricorn season is great to petition for what you want and need. Prosperity is more than money, so make sure you include things like health, a supportive social circle, and a positive attitude as well.

Recommended Candles: Jupiter (Astro Magic), Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Quick Cash (Aunt Jacki)

Cosmic Overview

After August and October, December is a favorable month, and one of the easiest of the year,

astrologically speaking. Of course, there are a few snafus – the inner planets aspect Neptune, Mars continuing to retrograde through Gemini, and the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle through Capricorn – but these are offset by productive Saturn transits and a handful of lucky Jupiter aspects. So, enjoy the energy, and have a safe holiday, and I wish you a prosperous New Year.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

On December 6th, Mercury moves out of fiery Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn understands life through tried-and-true experiences. While Mercury is the sign of the  sea goat, our experiences of life become highlighted and relied upon because they are part of our psyches foundation and our stability of character.

Over time, our experiences change because of new relationships, interactions with other people, changes in our personal philosophies, hard-fought wisdom, or our attitudes have become more malleable. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will highlight these shifts, and our reactions to things may change.

Now, I want to discuss something that I haven't written much about yet regarding Mercury retrograde.


Ok, I said it!

Since Mercury retrograde has become part of the mainstream vernacular, it’s also come with new memes and posts that focus primarily on reasons we should FEAR the communication god, rather than use the cycle as a reflective period. Also, two shadow stages have been added that are of “equal” value to the Mercury Rx cycle. Mercury has become a 9-week cycle, and since there are 3-4 Mercury Rx cycles a year, that is 27-36 weeks. Or based on the ideals of the shadow fanatics, the cycle influences us for half a year or more.

That is simply exhausting and unnecessary!

Mercury retrograde does come with its apparent issues, all listed in the Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen, but life doesn’t stop because a planet goes retrograde. Sometimes, you have to make choices, take action, and even sign legal documents when Mercury is retrograde. It’s being aware that planets may occur that is key. You can then make alternative plans if Mercury acts up.

As far as the shadow period is concerned, like the lead-up to anything, be aware that Mercury is about to turn retrograde or was recently retrograde, and make plans accordingly, but don’t be afraid of it.


Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God

  1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i's are dotted and all the t's are crossed. Then, if you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde to sign on the dotted line.
  2. Avoid starting anything new. New projects tend to have communication problems and mishaps when initiated during this process.
  3. Put a watch on your tongue. (If it is not worth saying, don't say it)
  4. Check your vehicles for any potential problems. Before Mercury goes retrograde, this is the best time for a service call.
  5. Avoid buying real estate or renting apartments. Usually, this means you will move again during a future Mercury Rx.
  6. Using mail delivery services that offer tracking and insurance – especially now, since the Post Office has still not recovered from the pandemic.
  7. Check, recheck, and check again any travel plans you have or appointments on the books.
  8. If you do travel, don't take anything of importance or value. Only bring items that you do not care if they are lost or stolen.
  9. Expect people from the past to resurface. However, once they crawl out of whatever cavern they came from, proceed with caution.
  10. Back up all electronic devices.
  11. Avoid buying an automobile.
  12. Mercury Rx is a great time to scour places (online and offline) for great deals!

December Highlights

December 1, 2022: Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius – Great for business and finances. Investments made at this time are usually fruitful.

December 9, 2022: Venus in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Pisces – Excellent for socializing and social activities. Kick back and enjoy your life a little, you deserve it.

December 12, 2022: Sun in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius – Looking for a boost in career endeavors? Sun sextile Saturn is perfect for requesting a raise and receiving acknowledgment for a job well done.

December 22, 2022: Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus – Break away from your usual routine and do something that excites you.


Storm Watch

December 1, 2022: Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces – Confusion, illusions, and delusions. Thinking maybe sketchy. Avoid making a major decision at this time.

December 1, 2022: Venus in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini – Conflicts in relationship matters. Old grievances may surface.

December 14, 2022: Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces – Low energy day! Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. Nothing may be what it seems.

December 29, 2022: Mercury Rx in Capricorn – Annoying communication problems and plans may go awry. Be careful when making decisions.

Lunar Magic


Full Moon in Gemini:

On December 7th, the Full Moon lands in mercurial Gemini. Expect your mind to be in overdrive mode over the next few days. Since this Full Moon is conjoined Mars and trine Saturn, it’s an excellent time to focus on getting things done and accomplishing your goals. Also, with Mercury (the ruler of Gemini) in Sagittarius, you can see the big picture and create long-term plans to achieve whatever you desire.

Recommended Candles:  Full Moon (Astro Magic), Mars (Astro Magic), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki).


The New Moon in Capricorn

The New Moon occurs on December 23rd in Capricorn. This is the most powerful point of Capricorn season, and it’s an auspicious time to start the New Year on a solid footing, especially since Capricorn season is goal-oriented and can give you an extra boost.

This New Moon is excellent for finding a new job, getting a promotion or raise, starting a business, or doing maintenance magic on an existing business. Capricorn season is also excellent for reputation building and reputation repair. And, of course, since Capricorn is an earth sign, a little prosperity magic never hurt anyone.

Recommended Candles:  New Moon (Astro Magic), Stability (Blessed Herbal), Everything and then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo).

Weekly Breakdown


November 28, 2022 – December 4, 2022

This week is an extremely busy week, with 8 major aspects. Get prepared, because the energy throughout the week will change faster than the daily headlines.

We start the week off with a productive sextile between Mars and Saturn on Monday. If you need to do tasks that require patience, discipline, and concentration, the start of the week is the best time to do it. On Tuesday, productivity is still in full swing, so continue to plug away at projects that need completion. However, be on guard because Mercury squares reckless Mars. Put a watch on your tongue, because you may say something impulsively that you may later regret. Mercury oppose Mars is a discordant aspect, and conflict with others is likely.

Troubling energies continue midweek as Venus opposes Mars and Mercury squares Neptune. You can expect conflict in relationships with Venus opposing Mars, which could be easily amplified by the confusion that Mercury square Neptune naturally creates. Be as clear and concise as possible, and if you are confused by any information received, ask questions.

The weekend starts with a minor energy boost, with the Moon in Aries, which begins on Friday. It’s an excellent time to get things done and check things off your to-do list. However, Venus forms a befuddling square with Neptune in Aquarius on Sunday. Breakdowns in relationships may occur if your expectations are unrealistic.

Recommended Candles:  Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal), Van Van (Aunt Jacki), Mars (Astro Magic)

December 5, 2022 – December 11, 2022

The first full week of December starts with Mercury in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Pisces on Tuesday. Mercury square Jupiter is an optimistic aspect that gives you the foresight necessary to make long-range plans, which comes at a perfect time with the New Year right around the corner. However, make sure you have all the facts and details before executing a plan of action. Later on Tuesday, Mercury moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn understands life through tried and true experiences and is often uneasy with speculative thinking. Try to stick with what you know works at this time, and remember that Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of the sea goat later this month.

Midweek, we have a Full Moon in Gemini (see above), and the Sun opposing Mars. The Sun opposing Mars can be a difficult aspect if you let your ego run the show. You may be easily triggered by others, and act impulsively, leading to confrontations or arguments. If you do get triggered, take a close look at what is currently angering you, because it will reveal areas you need to work on in the future.

This weekend, harmony fills the air as Venus squares Jupiter. Venus square Jupiter is an aspect of pleasure, so make sure you spend some time doing things you enjoy. The only thing you need to watch out for is overindulgence. Also, avoid spending money on things you do not need!

Recommended Candles:  Mercury (Astro Magic), Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo), Protection (Blessed Herbal)

December 12, 2022 – December 18, 2022

After last week's cosmic overload, the energy begins to slow down – just a little bit.

We start with the Sun sextile Saturn on Monday. The beginning of the week is about career ambitions, and it’s an excellent time to focus on yours. If you’ve been seeking a promotion or to kick things up a level, it’s time to search for ways to make that happen, and you need to put in the work to achieve results. Sun sextile Saturn is also good for getting things done. Try to work on projects that need extra focus and concentration.

The middle of the week will be tricky because after all the determined steadfast energy of Sun sextile Saturn, the Sun tangles with Neptune (Sun square Neptune). It will be a low-energy day, and you may go through moments of self-doubt and confusion. The Sun square Neptune is not the best time to make sound decisions or start anything new. So, try to do things that must be done, and put off anything major for another day.

Now there is good news this week. On Saturday, Mercury forms a beautiful trine to Uranus, and you will crave excitement in your life. It may be difficult to focus on practical matters, but Mercury trine Uranus opens you up to new ideas and opinions that may be useful in your life. If you’ve had problems that were difficult to resolve, you may find your solution by thinking outside the box. Also, during the weekend, the Moon moves through Libra. It’s excellent for spending time with significant others or socializing with the important people in your life.

Recommended Candles: The Sun (Astro Magic), Success (Affirmation), Intuition (Affirmation)

December 19, 2022 – December 25, 2022

As we approach the heart of the holiday season this week, the cosmos smiles down upon us and delivers an energetically positive week.

Can I get an amen from the people in the back?

The beginning of the week features Jupiter leaving Pisces and returning to the sign of Aries since he left in late October. Jupiter in Aries is about making your move! Jupiter in the sign of the ram is confident, innovative, and concerned with making its mark in the world. It’s time to dream big and make things happen in your life. Jupiter remains in Aries until May, so make sure you don’t miss your moment.

The middle of the week ushers at the beginning of Capricorn season, and it's time to dig in and get serious. After moving into Capricorn, the Sun squares Jupiter. The Sun square Jupiter is an optimistic aspect and can be used to achieve whatever you want. On Thursday, Venus trines Uranus, and it’s time to shake things up and explore new things. Do something to bring some fun and excitement into your life.

This weekend, besides the New Moon in productive Capricorn, Mercury sextiles Neptune. Magic happens this weekend, as Mercury sextile Neptune is creative, imaginative, and full of wonder. It’s time to rely on your intuition and listen to your gut when making decisions.

Recommended Candles:  Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo), Jupiter (Astro Magic), Intuition (Affirmation)

December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023

The last week of the year continues the good tidings from last week, with a couple of hiccups – Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn and the beginning of the year opens with an intense Venus-Pluto conjunction.

The week opens with the Moon moving through sensitive Pisces. You will notice that your sensitivity to the people around you is heightened and you may be called upon to help someone in need. Listen to your intuition at the beginning of the week, because it rarely will steer you down the wrong path. It’s not listening to your instincts that could ultimately be problematic.

During the middle of the week, Venus sextiles Neptune. Venus sextile Neptune is great for creative projects, and will often trigger romantic reverie. Venus will also conjoin Mercury, which is excellent for social activities and connecting with others. However, be prepared for travel plans to go awry and communication issues to occur as Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn. Make sure you back up all your electronic devices.

The weekend should be energetic and fun-filled as the Moon moves through Aries. Be on guard on New Year's Eve, because Venus conjoins Pluto and intense feelings may surface. Insecurities, especially in love relationships, may surface. Avoid manipulative tactics. They will backfire and be hard to repair.

Recommended Candles: Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Tornado Ally (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies creates an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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