Coventry Creations Blogs

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Honey Jar - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB HJAs Mary Poppins so eloquently put it, “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.”  The Honey Jar Witches Union Spell Box will sweeten the deal, make the boss more agreeable, or encourage someone to take a shine on you.  Combine this spell box with some common items around your house and make your life sweet as pie.  Get your limited edition spell box today!


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck.   We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $50 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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