Coventry Creations Blogs

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Not Like the Movies

GC SEPatrick may not wrap his arms around you and destroy your pottery.  Nor will you necessarily look like Demi Moore, but if you are looking to get a little closer to someone on the other side hosting a séance is a simple way to do it.  All joking aside, when tapping into other worldly things you want to make sure you are protecting yourself and your space.  Not all ghosts have good abs, or intentions, so use the following steps to keep yourself safe.


Here is what you will need: the Séance Ghost candle, Blessed Herbal Protection oil, a protection blessing of your choosing, some sort of paper or board with yes or no written on it, and a pendulum.


Find a quiet space that allows you to focus on the task at hand.  Send the kids out to play while you prepare to meditate on Dirty Dancing….I mean, contact those beyond.  Once you feel that you have found the right location lay out the instruments for your séance.


Before you begin your séance it is important to protect yourself and your space.  Pour a few drops of Protection Blessed Herbal oil onto your fingertips.  Rub it into the candle and your divination tool.  Touch your fingers to your third eye and heart chakras.  Really, anywhere that suits you; dab your doorways, floors or the tip of your nose if it feels right.  


Once the Protection oil has been placed, light the candle and recite your protection affirmation or use the blessing that comes on the Séance Ghost candle.  This candle is made to help your voice resonate on many planes and for your message to be focused.  Use the pendulum to ask your questions.  Don’t forget to note down the answers and consult them for clarity and consistency.

When you open a door you have to remember to close it.  After you are finished, politely thank them and anoint yourself with the Protection oil again while firmly but nicely saying goodbye as many times as you need.  

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