Coventry Creations Blogs

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Shake Trouble Loose - Witches Union Hot Foot Spell Box

SB HF470The Hot Foot Spell Box is a last, not a first resort.  If you have exhausted all other non-magical actions to resolve a situation and nothing has worked, this was made for you.   The Needed Changes Blessed Herbal Candle, Fiery Wall of Protection Motor City Hoo Doo Candle, and the Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing Oil are included in this month’s Witches Union Hot Foot Spell Box along with a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.  Get rid of that person who is making your life miserable; there is no reason to wait any longer.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to remove obstacles, change old patterns and fix mistakes.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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Saturday, 15 March 2025

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