Coventry Creations Blogs

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Lucky Cat - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SCC LC470Anyone who has ever been on a bad streak can tell you that luck isn’t always a lady, sometimes she is an outright shrew.  Fortuna can be a fickle and arbitrary mistress.  Tame her tempestuous nature and change your fortune from bad to good.  


Stop being at the whim of random chance with the Lucky Cat Spell Caster Club Card.


Success, good fortune and the luck of the draw are all at your fingertips but there are times when a little helping hand is needed to change the tides.  The Witches Union Lucky Cat Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to change your luck and remove negative influences.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

Stock Up on the Staples - Featuring our Blessed Herbal Candles


Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils, colors, and then crafting them with a purpose.  For over twenty years, the Blessed Herbal Candles have been hand poured when the moon is right, in a sacred space and with added blessings.  The 17 unique blends are our top selling products and have brought magic into the lives of many people.


Use coupon code BHC1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Candles in June

In the News

This month we are looking at shedding old patterns and correcting the mistakes of the past in our blogs and articles.  We will touch on some of the best sellers in the Blessed Herbal line including Truth and Justice, Spiritual Cleansing, and Problem Solving Candles that will assist in clearing the way for a happier future.  Look for insights on changing habits, righting old wrongs, and moving forward unencumbered.

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Lighting the Way on Solstice
Shake Trouble Loose - Witches Union Hot Foot Spell...


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Saturday, 15 March 2025

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