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Mercury Retrograde Spell - April 2023 Witches Union Spell Card

April2023 WitchesUnion

We all know things can get a little crazy during a Mercury Retrograde, but it doesn't have to be that way! Use this spell to help ground yourself and make this Mercury Retrodage run a little smoother than the others.

Mercury Retrograde Spell



On a piece of paper, write a list of all the issues that are being brought to light by Mercury. Pause and think about what you need to review or change in your day-to-day. 

Now place the Van Van and Happiness candles in their holders on top of your list. Recite this affirmation: 

“Heart of the Divine, breathe the light of the universe into the dark of Mercury. Shine your light within my life to enlighten me. Lift these challenges & bring to me the true blessings of Mercury.”

Anoint all of your technology (car, phone, computer, laundry machine, etc) with the Van Van oil while reciting the affirmation.

Every morning, while Mercury is retrograding, light your candles and anoint your feet with the Van Van oil while reciting the affirmation. Life should begin to smooth out a bit, but you still have to put in the work. Don’t forget to extinguish the candles before leaving for the day.


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