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Astro Magic Forecast for May 2023

May2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for May 2023

Can you believe it’s already May? This year is rapidly passing us by, and the month of May could be the month where we turn the curve completely and begin to do what we can to improve our lives after a few years of upheaval.

And, for many, this couldn’t come any sooner. Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief, and welcome to the new normal. Although Gemini season is about ideas, exchange, and learning about new things, it’s also about having some fun and enjoying ourselves. In psychology, Gemini is connected to the Puer Aeternus (Eternal Youth), and during this season it's helpful to let our inner child play and enjoy life – at least a little bit.

So, let’s dive into all the magical ways that we can tap into Gemini season.

5 Magical Ways to Make the Most Out of Gemini Season

  1. Air Magic:  Gemini is an air sign, and the element of air is associated with the rational intellect and our ability to communicate our thoughts and ideas. So, pay close attention to what you say, because, like it or not, your words are magical – they can heal or destroy. One of the easiest ways to perform air magic is journaling. The act of using a pen to channel words onto paper is a magical art that doesn't get enough fanfare, but it works, and it works well. Also, incantations, prayers, blessings, and saying a spell are all forms of air magic. Tools you may want to include are pens, pencils, paper, markers, feathers, incense, and grimoires.
    Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury - Astro Magic), Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Answers (Chakra Magic).

  2. Friendship Magic:  Everything is better with some friends, isn’t it? Since the sign of Gemini is concerned with communication and socializing, it’s an excellent time to attract new friends or like-minded individuals. However, when petitioning for new friends, make sure you are very specific and leave out no details. And, as Dorothy Morrison always says, make sure you petition for a human unless the four-legged friends are your jam.
    Recommended: Attraction (Blessed Herbal), Truth Serum (Mercury - Astro Magic), Dreams Come True (Blessing Kit)

  3. Networking Magic:  This is a close cousin to Friendship Magic. Expanding your influence, especially if you are in business, is simply a must. Face it, everyone needs connections, and we all need people we can contact if their services are in need. This month, we are given the opportunity to expand our circle, so make sure you take advantage of the energy.
    Recommended: Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate), Lucky Star (Jupiter - Astro Magic), Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

  4. Business Magic: Do you need to make a business deal, submit a proposal, or make a transaction? If so, Gemini season (just watch out if Mercury is retrograde) is the time to do so. Gemini rules business transactions and can help you get the best deals. You can also use this month to haggle prices.
    Recommended: Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate), Truth Serum (Mercury - Astro Magic), Fast Cash (Wicked Witch Mojo)

  5. Communication Magic:  Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, and Mercury is the communication planet. So, if you need to have a serious conversation with someone, you can use this season to put the odds in your favor. You can also use this season to improve your communication with someone or reopen the lines of communication with someone you have lost touch with.
    RecommendedSweet Grass (World Magic), Truth Serum (Mercury - Astro Magic), Problem-Solving (Blessed Herbal)


Cosmic Weather Forecast

On May 16th, Jupiter moves out of Aries and into Taurus, the sign of the bull. In traditional astrology, Jupiter is associated with luck, growth, expansion, and wealth. He is forward-looking and optimistic, and since he is the natural ruler of the 9th house, he also gives us meaning and restores our faith in life.

Jupiter is a fiery planet, and he is extremely tempered when he moves through an earth sign, especially the earthiest of them all, Taurus. Whenever I think of Jupiter in Taurus, I always think about the power of the “magic of do.” In other words, the magic we create in our lives is based on the direct actions we take, our effort, and some good ole fashioned elbow-grease. In Taurus, Jupiter transforms our dreams into reality, if you are willing to put in the work. Also, this is an excellent time to focus on your fiscal picture and make your finances grow.

Psychologically speaking, Jupiter in Taurus gives meaning to our experiences. One of the ways Jupiter works in Taurus is through the development of inner strength and self-reliance. Tony Robins defines inner strength as a deep unstoppable belief in yourself. However, to put it more succinctly, the more you go out into the world and rely on your individual ingenuity and determination to take control of your life (and, as such, your destiny), you slowly build inner strength. This requires tenacity and discipline, but each win, regardless of how small or large it is, restores faith in life and yourself.

Finally, Jupiter in Taurus seeks to expand one’s values.  Now values are very personal, and a quick Google search will reveal many lists of core values, and you can create your own personal list that reflects your current lifestyle. Personal values define many aspects of your life, including your behavior patterns, your decision-making process, your relationships, and the company you choose to keep. Values help you live a more fulfilling life. Although they may change over time, they reflect the stability of character and your ability to share your experience, inner strength, and hope with others. 

RecommendedThat Bitch (Venus – Astro Magic), Quick Cash (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate), Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)


May Highlights

Notable Dates:

May 5, 2023 – Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries – With both benefic planets in a positive aspect, luck is on your side, and you should take advantage of it. Great for financial matters.

May 13, 2023 – Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces – Your mind is focused on serious matters, and Mercury trine Saturn helps you make major decisions with precision.

May 14, 2023 – Mercury Turns Direct in Taurus – Mercury retrograde is officially over. You can now make major decisions, and communication issues should steadily improve over the next few weeks.

May 21, 2023 – Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius – It’s time to stand in your power and take charge of your life.  


Storm Watch:

May 4, 2023 – Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces – Fantasy and illusions are not your friend. Keep your relationships real, and try not to idealize your partners.

May 9, 2023 – The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus – Disruptive energy that can cause chaos in your life. Sudden changes could leave you feeling shaken and ill at ease.

May 20, 2023 – Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius – Avoid power-hungry controlling people. You may experience power struggles with others. 

May 28, 2023 – The Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces – Low energy day. Feelings of insecurity and self-doubt may surface. Push away depressive thoughts. 


Lunar Magic

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

The Full Moon occurs this month in the sign of Scorpio on May 5, 2023, and it’s a lunar eclipse. As I stated last month during the solar eclipse in Aries, I do not recommend aggressive magic. Instead, focusing on protection and cleansing magic is the best approach during this lunation, especially since it is in turbulent Scorpio.

The sign of Scorpio is connected to the darker parts of your personality, the sides of yourself that you prefer not to show in the light of day. It’s an excellent Full Moon to protect yourself from yourself and work through self-defeating behaviors or self-sabotage. Often the things that we do are not driven by conscious thought but are rooted in our childhood experiences for better or worse. However, this is your show – you get to cast your own characters, defeat your own monsters, marry your own prince (or princess), and yes, write off any characters that no longer serve your purposes. So, get to work on your new script!

RecommendedFull Moon (Astro Magic), Protection (Blessed Herbal), Curse Breaker (Sun – Astro Magic)


New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 19, 2023. This is the first New Moon that occurs after eclipse season, and it’s powerful. The New Moon is conjoined with the fixed star Alcyone (something to cry about) and the asteroid Phaeton. In asteroid astrology, Phaeton is the asteroid that reflects taking on responsibilities before we are ready to handle them, and the consequences of rash decisions. Many times in our lives, we make choices and decisions to do things that we do not think through or do hastily. We believe these decisions will improve our lives or give us joy and satisfaction, and they often blow up in our face. This New Moon allows us to move beyond our past choices and decisions, and create new ones that provide sustainable growth. Welcome to adulting!  

Now, on to the good stuff. 

Taurean magic is about prosperity, money, and self-worth. So, getting control over your finances, planting seeds for financial stability, and improving your self-image are constructive ways to work with this month’s New Moon. Taurus season is also great to pull in a little bit of fast cash and pad your wallet.

Recommended:  New Moon (Astro Magic), Stability (Blessed Herbal), Quick Cash (Aunt Jacki's Ultimate), Goddess (Affirmation)


Weekly Breakdown

May 1, 2023 – May 7, 2023

The headliner this week is a lunar eclipse that occurs on Friday in Scorpio. Although I don’t recommend aggressive magic during eclipse season, it's still an excellent time to let go of self-defeating behaviors that may be limiting your personal growth.  But, before the eclipse, a few other cosmic events occur.

We start the week off with Pluto turning retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Pluto retrogrades each year for approximately 5 months. Although outer planetary retrogrades are not as impactful as the inner planets (and yes, Mercury is still retrograde), Pluto Rx is the time of year when we should look at our lives and realize what we have foiled based on our own actions. It’s time to go within, take responsibility, let it go, and move on. Also on Monday, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Taurus. This is the perfect time to have conversations with others and resolve past difficulties.

Midweek, we have a troublesome aspect between Venus and Neptune. Venus square Neptune is an idealistic aspect, and it may cause you to have unrealistic expectations in relationships. As best as possible, stay realistic, otherwise, you may experience disappointments when your partners act human. The good news is that Venus sextiles Jupiter on Friday, which will help bring you back to center and brighten up your mood.

This weekend, besides the lunar eclipse, Venus moves out of Gemini and into Cancer. Venus in Cancer is emotional and affectionate, and it’s a great time to express yourself emotionally to others. You will also notice that your personal connection with others will be highly important.

RecommendedThat Bitch (Venus, Astro Magic), Reversing (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate), Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Let it Go (Full Moon, Astro Magic)


May 8, 2023 – May 14, 2023

The week starts with the Moon moving through festive Sagittarius, but she squares Neptune and trines Jupiter. Try not to go overboard or be excessive throughout the day. Since Sagittarius has influence over legalities, check all the facts before you sign the dotted line. On Tuesday, the Sun makes its annual conjunction to Uranus, and this can be a difficult aspect if you are overly rigid and resist change, and this could develop into resentments towards anything that forces change in your life. The best way to handle this aspect is to shake things up yourself and explore new things that feed your soul.

Midweek, the Moon moves through Capricorn and Aquarius. While the Moon is in Capricorn, focus on tasks that need completion. Since the Moon opposes cranky Mars in Cancer, try to avoid arguments and difficult people. On Thursday, the Moon moves through Aquarius and squares Mercury during the morning hours. Be as clear and concise as possible when communicating with others.

The weekend starts with Mercury sextile Saturn. You will notice your mind is on serious issues, and it’s a great day to work on projects that need focus and concentration. Later on Friday, Mercury sextiles party girl Venus, and it’s the perfect night to go out and socialize. On Saturday, Venus trines Saturn. Venus trine Saturn is an excellent time to resolve relationship disputes or financial issues. And finally, on Sunday, Mercury turns direct in Taurus. Communication problems and technical snafus will resolve themselves over the next couple of weeks. 

RecommendedMercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Love Me (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate)


May 15, 2023 – May 21, 2023

The third week of May is extremely busy, with six major aspects (Mars trine Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto, The Sun sextile Neptune, Mercury sextile Saturn, Mars oppose Pluto, and Sun trine Pluto), three sign changes (Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Leo, Sun in Gemini), and a New Moon in Taurus.

Let’s dive right in.

We start the week with Mars trining Neptune on Monday. Mars trine Neptune is an aspect of compassion and sensitivity, and the needs of others will be quite apparent. Although it is a low-energy day, it’s best used to do something nice for someone who needs it. On Tuesday, Jupiter ends its trip through Aries and moves into Taurus, the sign of the bull. Jupiter in Taurus is about developing inner strength and self-reliance by staying true to your value system. However, on Wednesday, right after Jupiter moves into Taurus, he forms a tense square to Pluto. You will feel the need to take charge of your life and plot your own course. This may come with a side order of pushback or opposition from likely suspects. The key is pushing forward regardless of the obstacles.

The middle of the week brings the Sun sextile Neptune in Pisces. You will feel more sensitive to the people around you and may be called upon to help someone in need. Otherwise, it’s an auspicious time to work on creative projects, enjoy music and movies, and just take some time to relax. Spiritual-based activities are also recommended.

Besides the New Moon in Taurus, this weekend is packed with energy. First, Mars moves out of Cancer and into Leo. Mars in Leo is about going after what you want and overcoming whatever stands in your way. This will be clear because Mars immediately opposes complicating Pluto, and the ‘nasties’ will crawl out of the woodwork. Later this weekend, the Sun moves out of Taurus and Gemini season begins. The Sun will then trine Pluto on Sunday. It’s time to stand in your power and be the best version of you that you can be.


May 22, 2023 – May 28, 2023

We start the last week of May with high-octane energy. On Monday, the Sun sextiles Mars in fiery Leo. If you need to complete projects or add to your list of accomplishments, the Sun sextile Mars delivers! Your energy levels will be high, and you should take advantage of it while it lasts. If you need to argue your position on a matter, the Sun sextile Mars allows you to do it effectively. However, try to avoid taking on more than you can handle, because, on Tuesday, Mars squares Jupiter. Mars square Jupiter makes you feel like you can take on the world, and you can in moderation. Avoid acting recklessly, and try to think things out before you take more on board.

The Moon moves through Leo during the middle of the week, and although you may face minor opposition from others on Wednesday morning, the energy from the beginning of the week should continue to flow. Be prepared for small hiccups later in the day on Thursday, when the Moon begins to square disruptive Uranus.

This weekend starts with Venus sextiling Uranus in Taurus. It’s the perfect weekend to break free from your usual routine and do something difficult and enjoyable. It’s time to let your freak flag fly. However, be prepared on Sunday for the energy to shift and the storm clouds to roll in as the Sun squares depressing Saturn. You may feel restricted and bound to your duties and obligations. Although Sun square Saturn is frustrating at best, try to press in and press on.

RecommendedIDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic), Crown of Success (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate), Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal) 


Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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