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Candle Ritual for Creating Love and Patience at Home

July2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13, 2022

On July 13th, Luna moves through the earthy sign of the ambitious Capricorn. Plus there are many other planetary aspects that could turn your focus to your relationships. If you are feeling compelled to have that talk, this is why.

July’s full moon is also partying with expansive Jupiter. Take advantage of her generous mood and put more effort into climbing that career ladder, widening your circle of friends, and checking off some of those “to do’s” you’ve been meaning to get to. Wherever you put your focus, you will be successful. 

I had the privilege of getting a sneak peek at Jacki Smith’s Big Book of Candle Magic, available in stores this summer. I lifted this candle ritual for a Happy Marriage. Perform it during this Full Moon and fill your relationship with happiness, commitment, kindness, and patience.

Candle Ritual for Creating Love and Patience at Home

Love is a verb and long-lasting marriages know and act on this. This spell will fill your relationship with vibrations of happiness and commitment and protect you from interference from others.

You will need: two Coventry Creations Blessed Herbal Loves Enchantment or Healing candles or votives; herbs for dressing the candle: comfrey, basil, and marjoram; these accessories: honey, two cinnamon sticks, three figs, a plate, two rose quartz stones, and a happy picture of you and your significant other. 

Step one. Blend your herbs with olive or vegetable oil and dress your candles and place them on the plate.

Step two. Drizzle honey on the plate to remind you of the sweetness of life when you are working together.

Step three. Place the three figs (or dates) on the plate to ensure that you will never grow hungry.

Step four. Place the cinnamon sticks on the plate to transform any stress into support for each other.

Step five. Place the picture on your altar or in front of the plate with the rose quartz on top of the picture.

Step six. Light the candles and give thanks for a loving relationship. If you are having trouble feeling it, state everything you are grateful for in your partner.

Let the candles burn for one to three hours before extinguishing them. Take time to burn the candles every day until they are done. Do nice things for your partner, be open and honest, and kind during conversations during this time. Accept their language of love as the best they can do right now. Release any resentment and anger from the past. Especially if you both have already agreed to let it go.

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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