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New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021

New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021

Leo brings in the deep desire to be uniquely ourselves. This is another invitation to throw off the masks and personalities we’ve taken in life and try again to be fully self-actualized. For some, it will be a welcome breath of fresh air because being anyone but ourselves is oppressive.

For others, fear and hesitation to be that vulnerable still have to be healed. No matter your level of readiness, a Leo New Moon opens the doors. Another way to play with this energy is to open up space for new projects with joy and enthusiasm.

Candle Ritual for Activating Joy and Enthusiasm

You will need one Ganesh and one Lakshmi World Magic candle, sweet treats, and flower petals. The Ganesh candle is for opening the road, even if that means getting out of your own way. The Lakshmi candle is for aligning yourself with joy, enthusiasm, and motivation. This will help you keep the flow of prosperity and abundance trained on you and your projects. We were never meant to live our lives in solitude. Staying connected to the universe and asking for help when we need it is all part of our spiritual growth.

On August 7th begin your first step. Take the packaging off the candles and place them in the appropriate candle holder. On a piece of paper, write a description of your new project, or, write out what you need to release so you can return to your authentic self. Take your time and be as transparent, thorough, and clear as you can.

The next step is to fold up the piece of paper and place it under the Ganesh candle. You are asking Ganesh to clear the way for success. Of course, if you have many pages you can put them next to the candle. Now place an offering of sweets next to the candle holder. This is a thank you for all the help Ganesh will give you.

Take a moment to say a prayer to Ganesha.

“Om Shri Ganesh Namaha - Great Lord of Wisdom here I stand with so many great decisions to make, with so many ways to turn. I beg your Grace, please fill me with righteous judgment and clear discrimination as I lay all confusion at your feet and immerse myself solely in your being.”

Let the candle burn for 24 hours (only while you can be there). It’s ok to blow out the candle when you have to leave. Don’t burn candles while you are asleep.

On August 8th, during the height of the new moon, spend some time in meditation visualizing your goal. Light your Ganesh candle again and express gratitude for everything you have already received in your life. This will raise your vibration and prepare you for receiving more.

On August 9th you will be lighting your Lakshmi candle. Here you will be aligning yourself with the flow of abundance and supply and you will be asking Lakshmi to bless you. As you light the candle, visualize the ways you need prosperity to flow to you. Do you need seed money for your project? Do you need new people in your life that value you for who you are and not for what you do for them? Speak your needs to Lakshmi. Then light your candle. Place flower petals around the base of your candle holder to honor the sweetness and generosity of Lakshmi. Then say this prayer.

“Lakshmi Goddess, born of the Lotus, the sea and of your own hand, I invoke you. Fill my life with your sweetness, opening the gates of heaven to bring prosperity to every corner of my being. Unlock my hidden wealth and show me where it lies.”

Let the candles burn until they are done. Ground the energy by doing things that move you and your project forward.

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and on Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach,

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