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Create a New Pathways Beyond Your Personal Challenges

August Astro Magic 2021

I have to admit that I may be a little biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic.

Leo season is ruled by the Sun, and in Greek myth, the Sun is associated with the God Apollo. Now, Apollo has quite the resume – he is the Sun God, a cosmocrator, he removes curses, he is the god of music and the father of the nine muses, and he is also a god of healing.

That is some list!

Since the Sun is the center of the solar system, it is not surprising that Apollo governs so many facets of life. Likewise, we can use the energy of the Sun to perform potent magic. And guess what? You don’t need any sunscreen!

When people think of the sign of Leo (and again I am biased), they think of showy, extroverted types that need to be the center of attention. Leo is considered a ‘creator type’ because they are often involved in the performing arts. However, the deeper core of what Leo is creating has little to do with entertaining the masses – entertaining is simply a byproduct. Instead, each creation, each part, and each role get them closer to what they long for – being themselves.

The exciting news: This month, we all get to tap into this powerfully potent energy and use it proactively to create our lives.

Welcome to Leo season!

5 Magical Ways to Make the Most Out of Leo Season

1. Personal Power Magic: Standing in one’s personal power is an elusive phrase. We have a hard time describing it, but we know it when it happens. Personal power is when you are being authentically who you are and pay honor to your wants and needs. If you need encouragement, inner conviction, a little bit of gumption, and the need to express your individual values in a way that boosts your confidence this is the best type of magic to work with. Recommended:Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal Candle), High John the Conqueror (Motor City Hoodoo), Fire and Will (Blessed Herbal Candle), and Ganesha (World Magic).

2. Transformational Magic: Jacki Smith and I coined the term transformational magic during our podcast, “Keep It Magic” (BTW, 6 years of archives are still available). Essentially, this type of magic digs beneath the surface and gets to the real root of your problems. It’s about changing your life from the inside out and working through the true core of your difficulties to build a life you are proud of living. Recommended:Answers (Chakra Magic), Clarity (Chakra Magic), Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal Candle), Everything and then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo).

3. Curse Removal Magic: Curses are a popular topic in the magical communities – especially with the recent influx of new witches during this social media magical revival. The ability to remove negative magical influence is important, but the worst curses are the ones we cast on ourselves.

In myth, Apollo was a curse breaker, and he didn’t remove hexes by tapping someone on the head with a wand. He removed curses by providing the proper pathway through insight and ingenuity. Perhaps, the more we know ourselves and when we are true to our values, we eliminate the power that curses hold over us. Only then, are we free! Recommended:Reversing (Motor City Hoodoo), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal Candle), Uncrossing (Motor City Hoodoo), Poof (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo).

4. Star Quality Magic: This type of magic is used when you need to shine a light on yourself. It’s your own personal PR team that helps you be seen in the best way possible. You can highlight your best attributes and hide (invisibility spell) your more challenging characteristics. Recommended:Success (Chakra Magic), Goddess (Affirmation), Wishin’ Mojo (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo)Jasmine Energy Oil.

5. Bo$$ Power Magic: Do you want that promotion or raise? If so, you can use Leo’s unique energy to put yourself in a favorable position with people of power and authority. This type of magic will also help you increase your finances and social standing. Recommended:Red Stilettos (Dorothy Morrison's Wicked Witch Mojo), Prosperity (Blessed Herbal Candle), Success (Affirmation), Honeysuckle Oil.

Saturn Square Uranus Redux (Again)

Last month, Mars and Venus got pulled into the web of the aspect of the year – Saturn square Uranus. This month, Mercury and the Sun are up to bat!

Saturn reflects the urge for things to remain the same, it’s safe (regardless of how dysfunctional things may be) and stable. On the other hand, Uranus craves change and has a progressive vision (albeit unformed) of the way that the world could be. Currently, these two diametrically opposed forces are at odds with one another.

This month it gets personal as the Sun tangles with the old gods. In astrology, the Sun is our sense of being a unique individual, whereas Saturn and Uranus are concerned with collective structures and collective progress. So, it’s easy to see that the tension of individual growth and development may be overwhelmed by restrictive forces that may limit growth and collective forces that may create changes that continue to crush individual needs in favor of collective ideas and social concerns. We need to find a way to make room for both.

During the first part of August, it may be necessary to stand your ground when necessary and make changes for the greater good when appropriate. On a magical level, we can use the energy of Saturn and Uranus to build and secure our individual lives while letting go of areas that are no longer working, which is probably more productive than the game of tug of war Saturn and Uranus are playing. News Flash: We are the rope!

Recommended:Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal),Stability (Blessed Herbal)


Lunar Magic

New Moon Magic

The New Moon this month occurs in fiery Leo on August the 8th. This New Moon is all about you. It’s a great month to do magic and intention work that involves putting yourself in the best light. You can use this energy to get a new job, a promotion, start a new romantic relationship, or even begin new projects. So, this month do you and do it well.

Recommended:Attraction (Blessed Herbal), Cleo Mae Oil (Motor City Hoodoo), Red Stilettos (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), and New Moon (Astro Magic)

Full Moon Magic

You may get a feeling of Deja-Vu because this is our second Full Moon in Aquarius this year. So, we all get an opportunity to run this one back.

This month’s Aquarius Full Moon happens on August 22nd. This Full Moon cycle is excellent for breaking through stagnant situations (especially karmic ones), developing better friendships, expanding your social circle, and opening yourself up to new experiences.

Recommended:Full Moon (Astro Magic), Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal), Everything and then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo)


Weekly Breakdown

August 2, 2021 – August 8, 2021

The first week of August starts off with the dark cloud of the Sun oppose Saturn hanging over our heads. It’s a low-energy day and can bring forth self-doubt and self-criticism. Take your time with projects and try to find a balance between your wants and your obligations to others. Sun opposed to Saturn can also

make you feel isolated and alone, so reach out to your support system, if you need to. On Tuesday, energies will shift in a more positive direction if you are willing to shake up your routine and do something new and exciting.

Later in the week, the Sun squares Uranus. Expect the unexpected and surprising events may shake up your world. Be proactive rather than reactive. Finally, on Sunday, the New Moon occurs in Leo (See lunar magic). Make sure you set your intentions for the month ahead.

Recommended:Outta My Way (Dorothy Morrison Wicked Witch Mojo), Muse (Blessing Kit), Stability (Blessed Herbal Candle), New Moon (Astro Magic)

August 9, 2021 – August 15, 2021

All the energy this week is confined to the beginning of the week with Venus oppose Neptune, Mercury oppose Jupiter, and Mercury moving out of Leo and into Virgo.

On Monday, Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces. You may need to take a time out and do a self-check on whether your relationship expectations are unrealistic. Sometimes we expect our partners to deliver more than they can reasonably manage, and when they fail to live up to our expectations, we become resentful and disappointed. The good news is that any short-term romantic disappointments will be replaced on Tuesday with a more optimistic view of life and a more positive mindset as Mercury opposes Jupiter.

On Wednesday, Mercury swaps signs and moves into Virgo. The devil is in the details, and you will want plenty of them. It’s a great time to focus on activities that need precision and focus.

This weekend, the Moon moves through moody Scorpio and tangles with Saturn and Uranus. You may feel things more intensely than you ordinarily would and unexpected change may leave you frustrated and annoyed.

Recommended:Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Meditation (Affirmation), Calming (Blessing Kit)

August 16, 2021 – August 22, 2021

The third week of August is the busiest week of the month with two sign changes, a Full Moon, four planetary aspects, and Uranus stationing in Taurus.

The week begins with Venus moving into her own sign of Libra, and after the onslaught of planets through the fixed signs in June, July, and the beginning of August, this is a welcome relief. While Venus is in Libra relationships will feel more centered and balanced and it will be much easier to communicate your needs. If you went through a relationship rough patch in June and July, this would be a great time to work on the issues and move the relationships into a more harmonious space.

Towards the middle of the week, Mercury conjoins Mars and if you need that extra boost to get things accomplished, this duo will deliver. Just keep a watch on your tongue, because you may say something you will later regret.

This weekend, besides the Full Moon in Aquarius (see Lunar Magic) and the Sun moving into practical Virgo, Mars trines Uranus in Taurus. It’s a great weekend to break your normal habits and rituals and do something different. Let go of your inhibitions and take a risk.

Recommended:Full Moon (Astro Magic), Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Shut Your Mouth (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo),Black Cat (Motor City Hoodoo)

August 23, 2021 – August 29, 2021

The cosmos slows down for the final week of August with only three aspects – Venus trine Saturn, Mercury oppose Neptune, and Mercury trine Pluto.

On Monday, Venus in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius. It’s a great day to sit down and look at your finances and make necessary adjustments if needed. Financial decisions that you make while this aspect is active should prove to be stable over time. Use your wise mind while

making investments, especially since Mercury opposes confusing and deceptive Neptune on Tuesday.

Towards the middle of the week, Mercury trines Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury trine Pluto tells us to look beneath the surface at the inner workings of our lives. It’s a great time to be self-reflective with a deeper understanding of your choices.

This weekend, the Moon moves through sensual Taurus. It’s a great weekend to get away to rest, luxuriate, and enjoy the finer things in life.

Recommended:Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal), Goddess (Affirmation)


Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

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New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021
Find Your Destiny with World Magic

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