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Full Moon in Gemini November 30, 2020

On Monday, November 30th our Full Moon is also experiencing a lunar eclipse. This can seem like the truth is hiding from us. Alas, it’s still there, just masked and we need to dig deeper. The sign of the twins is about ideas and communication, so this is the perfect time to do verbal spells, affirmations, incantations, prayers, and petitions.

Use the power of your voice to send them out into the universe and allow them to manifest. If your throat chakra is feeling weak or beat up, do this healing candle ritual to get it in shape before you do your verbal petitioning.

To heal the throat chakra you will need:

Step one: Start by creating your sacred space to work in by lighting the Meditation Affirmation candle, ask for spiritual protection by visualizing a golden bubble surrounding your aura, building a salt circle around you (if you choose), and grounding your energy into the earth. Now you are ready to work on your throat chakra.

Step two: Prepare to work with the throat chakra candle. Take a few minutes to observe your throat and larynx. Note how it feels physically, then notice what emotions reveal themselves. What thoughts are coming to mind? Once you have a good idea of the condition of your throat and its chakra, decide if you need to make changes here. If you feel great and empowered, this meditation will become a protective and supportive one instead of a healing one.

Step three: Light the Chakra Magic Throat Chakra candle. Remove all packaging and place it in a candle holder. Put the flame to the wick. As the flame steadies, start speaking about the things you need to release from your throat chakra. For example, “I release the tightness and lumps of congested words that I never got to say”, or, “I release all the painful words that were spoken to me that still linger here.”

Step four: Address the pent up feelings. Say, “I let go of all my strong reactions to situations in my life that I never got to express or I did express but were so negative that I damaged my own throat with their toxicity.” Also, let go of other people's toxic emotions that were expressed to you verbally. Speak directly to the flame so the vibrations can be consumed by the flame.

The light of the candle is also a call to your guides who love you. It represents the light that is within you too. Now that you have cleared your throat so to speak, it’s time to raise your voice in celebration of what it’s meant to be.

Step five: Say this empowered Chakra Mantra to uplift the vibration of your throat chakra.

“My words have power and I am responsible for what I say and how I say it. I choose empowering words and crystal clear tones to express the thoughts which define the dreams that build my world.”

Step six: Ask that the light from above and the light from within meet in your throat chakra to uplift and heal it by dissolving all unenlightened energy still lingering there. You have one candle left. Prepare to light the Truth and Justice Blessed Herbal candle by removing all its packaging and placing it in a candle holder. Light this candle then say the blessing on the label. Change the words to reflect your specific circumstances.

“I call on forces higher than I, to awaken the truth that I hold inside.

As my mind travels, guide it true; justice is needed for what I am to do.

Peace and Harmony shall flow through me, illumination for all to see.

I call on thee in perfect trust and love, sending me revelation from above.

Harming none and helping all is how it shall be, this I make true.”

Step seven: Wrap up your meditation with a request for protection around your throat chakra, around you, and around the situation you will be moving forward in. So Be It! Spray your aura around your throat chakra with Chakra Magic spray after tough conversations or arguments to keep it clear and strong.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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Only love enters
New Moon in Scorpio November 15, 2020


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