Coventry Creations Blogs

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2 minutes reading time (309 words)

Only love enters

Only love may enter here! This is not an exclusion, but an inclusion. We already have lots of troubles, stresses, and worries, we don’t need to add to that pile. Right now, each one of us needs more love, compassion, connectedness, and community.

What would it look like if we approached our communities with love? Starting with the micro-community of our friend circle, spiritual team, family, or even work environment; what would happen if just one person maintained a loving approach to every interaction? Miracles would happen. Miracles would happen at the pace that this love is embraced, and naturally, it would spread out to wider and wider circles.

Test the theory with us, and get started using the Affirmation candles. These simple and powerful candles take us right to the positive statement that can help heal the world community by starting in our own backyard.

Affirmation Candles:

15 styles - $15.75 each

Coventry’s Affirmation candles are the perfect gift to keep the holidays filled with peace and magic. With 15 styles, there is an affirmation for each sentiment you want to spread in the world as we bring 2020 to a close.

Set your future in motion with positivity.

Coventry will be making candles all through the holiday season to keep up with your needs. Keep the holiday’s magic with us and together, let's turn the corner into a new and more hopeful year!

Visit our website to browse our unique products, read our blogs, and more. Make sure to check out our Witches Union page. It celebrates the powerful witch in you. We’ve got products, contests, and a Spell Caster Club Facebook group. Be part of something special, our witchy community, because you are special. You can do magic!

Don’t forget to sign up here for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

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New Moon in Sagittarius, December 14, 2020
Full Moon in Gemini November 30, 2020


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