Coventry Creations Blogs

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Full Moon in Libra March 31, 2018

Full moon in libraThe Libra full moon is the essence of Inner Balance. It is impossible to be vulnerable when the scales are equally weighted because everyone has what they need. When this kind of fortifying is necessary, call down the energy of the Libra moon.

These three days of the Libra full moon teach us that living in harmony is the best form of protection. Conflicts tend to dissolve when we all go into the neutral zone. If you have been feeling vulnerable or have been violated, you can use this gift to reset and renew your personal space. Burning a Road Opener Hoo Doo candle will allow this energy to flow easily into your soul.

Libra moon endorses equality

This sends the message that win-win is a real thing if we want it . For the more tenderhearted, a good shot of Libra energy will give them the will to demand equality. If it’s time to push back and regain what was lost, Libra Full moon will light the way. Prepare yourself for this act of assertion with an energy cleansing bath in salt water. While soaking the debilitating negativity and self-doubt away, have the light of a Soulmate Affirmation candle brightening the room. Invoking the blessings of a soulmate will align you with what courage blossoms when in tune with unconditional. Righting a wrong is important, but remember there is a lesson in there for you too. One that will strengthen your character. So get empowered, do what needs to be done and then ask, what did I learn from this experience so I can keep the scales in balance? Burning a New Moon Drawing Down the Moon candle will affirm that you are illuminating the lessons while the challenges get smaller and smaller until you achieve balance.

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