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New moon in Cancer July 12, 2018

ArticleNewMoonMagic 470sqThank you Cancer new moon for giving us the opportunity to reflect on the past. We all need to do that from time to time. It will give us that 20/20 perspective on how it’s affecting our beliefs and attitudes. This month our focus will be on our relationship with money.

Upon your reflection what did you discover? Do you need to make any changes? I found that the breadth of my financial responsibilities has greatly changed over the years. I had to make changes in my attitude and beliefs about money. If this describes you as well, or there are other changes you need to make, here is a gentle candle ritual to do during this new moon to help you make friends with money.

Put a Needed Changes Blessed Herbal candle in a holder. Drop a few drops of Blessed Herbal Ancestor oil on top of the candle, let the oil drip down the sides. Place a blank check or a dollar bill under the candle holder and a Money Magic Witches Union patch in front of the candle holder. Create your sacred space and put protection around you. Now, light the candle and invoke an ancestor from your own family tree that is very good with money, both in saving it and in spending wisely. If there is no one that matches that description in your family, invite a spirit guide that does. Let them know you are working on changing your negative habits with money into positive ones. Tell them you need help with, attracting money, creating a budget, and releasing fear around money. Tell them that you also need help letting go of the bad habits of your ancestors when it comes to finances. Listen for guidance and let the flame of the candle burn up your negative beliefs and attitudes as they come to mind or provoke you emotionally. Keep letting go.

When you are done, let the candle burn for a few hours, then blow it out. Do this ritual daily until the candle is completely consumed. Set your Money Magic patch on your altar, you will be using it again on the full moon.

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