Coventry Creations Blogs

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You are so amazing you deserve a hype man.

When you are this good, it’s time to sing your praises.

Everyone has their specialty, their superpower as it were. Especially right now with how much the world is catawampus, we have all tapped in inner power and honed it to forward our survival in body, mind, and spirit.

You deserve the hype that celebrates the powers to have blossomed.

One way to be your own hype man is to wear that power on your sleeve with a Witches Union patch! Announce your big magic with pride and know that this is your key to co-existing with COVID. Did you become one with quiet moments? Grab the Meditation patch. Did your relationship survive 24/7 interaction for 60 days? You earned the Love patch! Did you learn a new divination technique or keep your tarot warm? You get the Psychic patch!

Witches Union Patches - $7.50

With 13 patches to choose from, start by declaring your Witchey pride with the membership patch. Celebrate your strengths with the patches you have earned. Uplift your challenges by turning any of the patches into a spell to enhance your witch powers.

The difference between failure and success is the magic of your perspective.

Every setback is a notice for yourself that you have something to grow from and a path to make it happen. The Witches Union Patches are a celebration of meeting your new challenge. We are earning our Hive magic patch here at Coventry, as our team is busy as bees making candles for you every day. We have been hiring additional magic makers and keeping the candle cauldrons hot candle batch to candle batch. You have never had such fresh magic as this time of COVID resilience!



Learn more about being a Coventry Creations’ magic maker through our blogs. Be sure to order your FREE Spell Caster Club membership kit. It comes with a membership card, a spell caster club card, and a one-time use discount coupon. We will send you a set of new spell cards every month. It’s fun and engaging for your customers and an easy upsell for you.

For more news about this month’s special and upcoming specials visit our website,

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New Moon in Leo August 19, 2020
Full Moon in Aquarius August 3, 2020


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Monday, 10 March 2025

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