Coventry Creations Blogs

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How can I strengthen my magic?

CMO OctoberOctober is here and all the witches rejoice! This is the ideal time to add some oomph to your spell casting and improve upon and understand your magic, while

at the same time silence those that would stifle your craft. That is why this month I used the REM spread to ask the Coventry Magic Oracle how can I strengthen my magic?

Remove - Shut Your Mouth Wicked Witch Mojo - Clearing message Bosses, coworkers, employees, friends, and family will all clear their minds and mouths of trash talking your life. Silence those that would question your magic. Whether these forces are external or internal, this candle is better than a good, old-fashioned slap in the mouth.

Energize - Outta My Way Wicked Witch Mojo - Prosperity message Push those blocks to your prosperity right out of the way. With Outta My Way you are obliterating obstacles that affect your magical practice.

Manifest - Come to Me Motor City Hoo Doo - Healing message You need to fill those empty spots in your heart with those worthy of your love and you will witness a miracle of healing. Come to me will make you a magical energy magnet. Call the forces of the mystic to guide you through.

Directions: This is the best time to utilize this trio of candles. Samhain is when the veil is thinnest, and you can call upon your ancestors now to assist you in this undertaking. This combination of candles can be lit together or one at a time depending on how you see the magic working for you. There is no wrong way to do this, there is only your way.

Grab this combination from or your favorite retailer and start living a charmed life.

You can use our online oracle here.

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Magic without passion is just posturing
Be the decider of your own magical tradition

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