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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2023

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Astro Magic December 2023

The month of December brings us Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

In other words, it’s not the time to be passive and let the world pass you by; it’s time to seize your moment and make things happen.  Since Capricorn is a cardinal sign, the past no longer matters. It is what you can do today that should be your focus. 

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn. Now, Saturn gets a lot of bad press in pop astrology. He is the planet of limitations, boundaries, responsibilities, and duties, but Saturn has an important function. Saturn doesn’t put off what can be accomplished today, so he can go out with friends, surf social media sites, or shop until he drops. He grinds things out because structure and foundation are more important than frivolity.

In Greek myth, Saturn ruled over the ‘Golden Age'. The Golden Age was a time of peace, prosperity, and abundance, but it wasn’t accomplished with “wish” magic, it was accomplished with ‘do’ magic.  In other words, good old-fashioned elbow grease!

So, to put it simply, Capricorn season is about taking care of business (personal and professional), and to achieve a successful New Year, you must lay the foundation.  Just make sure what you plant will be fruitful!

5 Ways to Make the Most of Capricorn Season 

  1. Career Magic:  Capricorn season is all about ambition and profession. This is the perfect time to do magic to find a new job, or even to get a better job. It’s also an excellent time for you to obtain the favor of older, experienced, or superior (as in position) people. You can use the energy of the sign of the goat to land the position you want.
    Recommended Candles: Mars (AstroMagic), Success (Affirmation), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki) 
  2. Success Magic: Are you working on a new project or releasing a new product? Capricorn season is ideal for success magic. The symbol for Capricorn is a goat, and its horn, known as the cornucopia, is filled with prosperity and abundance. You can use this season to level up and ensure you get everything you deserve, and then some.
    Recommended Candles: Everything and Then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), Success (Affirmation), Jupiter (Astro Magic)
  3. Reputation Magic: Do you need to be noticed for the work you do, or did you make a mistake and need to repair a damaged reputation? Well, Capricorn season is the best time to fix things or make things happen. You can use this month’s energy to improve your social image or get the attention you deserve.
    Recommended Candles: Sweet Grass (World Magic), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Mars (Astro Magic) 
  4. Business Magic: Many businesses suffered during the pandemic because of circumstances beyond their control. Now is the time to reclaim your power and be the cause, not the effect. Use this energy in any business situation that needs a boost. Capricorn season is also the perfect time to start something new.
    Recommended Candles: Problem-Solving (Blessed Herbal), Uncrossing (Aunt Jacki), Saturn (Astro Magic) 
  5. Prosperity Magic: Anytime the Sun is in an earth sign, it’s an excellent time to do prosperity magic. So, Capricorn season is great to petition for what you want and need. Prosperity is more than money, so make sure you include things like health, a supportive social circle, and a positive attitude. Recommended Candles:Jupiter (Astro Magic), Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Quick Cash (Aunt Jacki)

Cosmic Weather Forecast

Notable Dates

December 2, 2023 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – Excellent for examining your life and making changes, if necessary.

December 5, 2023 – Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Pisces – Great time to work through relationship problems, and make mutually agreed upon decisions.

December 7, 2023 – Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Pisces – Perfect for making future plans and developing viable strategies.

December 25, 2023 – Favorable day for relationships and close connections.

Storm Watch

December 3, 2023 – Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn – Emotional intensity may surface in relationships.

December 16, 2023 – The Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces – May feel overwhelmed by situations and circumstances in your life.

December 21, 2023 – Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus – Expect the unexpected in relationships.

December 27, 2023 – Mercury conjoins Mars in Sagittarius – Watch what you say to others carefully.  Arguments and disagreements are likely.

Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Sagittarius

The New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on December 12th.  The Sagittarian New Moon is about setting intentions and creating goals. You can use this auspicious time to do intention work, craft out your New Year, and make future plans. However, since this New Moon is square confusing Neptune, make sure your intentions are realistic and obtainable. If you need to start with small goals and build upon them incrementally, do so. 

Recommended: Lucky Star (Jupiter – Astro Magic), Let it Grow (New Moon – Astro Magic), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

The Full Moon in Cancer

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer on December 26th. During the Cancer Full Moon, it’s time to focus on whether our ideas about family and security need an update. Family issues from the past may resurface, especially if conflicts occurred because of miscommunication. Try to clean up your side of the street as much as possible. Furthermore, you may need to explore what makes you feel safe and secure, and make modifications in your life if your current needs are not met. 

Overall, Cancer Full Moons are a wonderful time to work through family of origin issues (early childhood issues) or to let go of emotional pain and past hurts. It’s also excellent for healing work and ridding yourself of health issues. So, if you need to let something go emotionally, this is the Full Moon to get it done and over with, once and for all.

Recommended Candles: Full Moon (Astro Magic), Heart (Blessed Herbal), Healing Rx (Aunt Jacki).


Weekly Breakdown

December 4, 2023 – December 10, 2023

We start the first week of December with Venus moving through Scorpio.  Now is the perfect time to take control of your financial future and unleash your creative spirit. The intense energy will fuel your passions and allow for deep self-expression.  But it’s not just about external success – it’s also a time for inner growth.  Use this period to practice forgiveness, self-reflection, and make necessary changes to align with your deepest values. Venus' energy will be amplified on Tuesday when Venus forms a beneficial trine to Saturn in Pisces. Venus trine Saturn is an excellent time to focus on improving relationships and managing your financial resources.

Midweek, you have an excellent opportunity to expand your mind with an eye towards the future when Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter.  Mercury trine Jupiter is excellent for making plans, developing strategies, and looking at life optimistically, which encourages growth and progress.  Mercury trine Jupiter is also excellent for business or financial matters.  So, if you need to sign a contract or secure a deal, now is the time to do it, because Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of the goat on December 13th.  

This weekend is all about indulgent and leisurely activities, as Venus opposes Jupiter in Taurus.  Although the opposition between Venus and Jupiter is not overly negative, it tends to over-indulge in pleasure, joy, and satisfaction.  Try to avoid overspending!  On Sunday, the Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus.  Unexpected situations may throw you off your game.  Try to remain as proactive as possible.

Recommended Candles: That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo) Everything and Then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo)

December 11, 2023 – December 17, 2023

The second week of December starts with a lovely sextile between Mercury in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio. Mercury sextile Venus is a favorable aspect that promotes harmonious communication, creativity, and social interactions. During this time, individuals can express themselves creatively, improve communication skills, socialize, pursue love and beauty, learn something new, and make financial decisions. Whether it’s through artistic expression or enhancing relationships, the energy of this aspect encourages productivity and harmony in various areas of life. So, make the most of this aspect by indulging in activities that bring joy, strengthen relationships, and enhance personal development.

Midweek, brace yourself because Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn. Before Mercury turns retrograde, make sure you back up your computers and phone, finalize any plans, and clean up existing communication issues. Otherwise, after Mercury ‘retches’ out, expect communication issues, difficulties expressing yourself effectively, and plans to go awry.

This weekend, expect storm clouds to roll in as the Sun forms a difficult square to Neptune in Pisces. The Sun square Neptune is a low energy aspect that will dampen plans and cause considerable confusion.  You may be plagued with self-doubt over the weekend. It’s best not to take on projects or participate in activities that require focus and determination, because this may trigger your insecurities further.  Also, avoid shady individuals, because they will likely take advantage of you if they can.

Recommended Candles: Happy Home (Blessed Herbal), Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Fiery Wall of Protection (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

December 18, 2023 – December 24, 2023

The last two weeks of the year are filled with non-stop cosmic action, so buckle your seat belt!  

We start the third week of December with an aspect that we encountered earlier in the month, Mercury trine Jupiter in Taurus. Ordinarily, Mercury trine Jupiter is about planning the future. However, this week Mercury is retrograde, which is all about reflection and introspection. The best course of action is to use this energy to understand errors in judgment or mistakes you have made over the past few weeks, and then make plans to course correct after Mercury turns direct on New Year’s Day. On Tuesday, the Moon moves through Pisces and opposes Neptune. Along with Mercury Rx, this is not the best day to make decisions and avoid shady people throughout the day. If they can take advantage of you, they probably will.

Midweek, the Moon moves through energetic Aries, which could provide a much needed energy boost this week. But, the real action begins on Thursday when Venus opposes Uranus in Taurus. Venus opposing Uranus is a time of intense change and growth. This may involve exploring new paths, being open to unconventional experiences, reflecting on self-worth, and examining your relationships.  Stagnant relationships may become problematic if you avoid necessary change at this time. Later on Thursday, the Sun moves out of Sagittarius, and we officially enter Capricorn season.

The four-day holiday weekend starts with the Sun conjoining Mercury Rx in Capricorn. The Sun conjunct Mercury is an extremely social aspect, so this is an excellent time to get all your final holiday shopping completed and to finalize your plans for the weekend. However, remember that with Mercury being retrograde, plans may go awry quickly, and you may need a PLAN B if they do. On Sunday, the Sun forms a lovely sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Christmas Eve (for those who celebrate) should be a productive and stable day.  

Recommended Candles: Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal), Happy Home (Blessed Herbal)Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic)

December 25, 2023 – December 31, 2023

The final week of the year brings us six major aspects (Venus trine Neptune, Mercury square Neptune, the Sun trine Jupiter, Mercury conjunct Mars, Mars square Neptune, and Venus sextile Pluto), a sign change for Venus, and Jupiter turns direct in Taurus.

We start the week with Venus forming a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces. Venus trine Neptune brings a sense of creativity, spirituality, and compassion to our lives. While Venus trines Neptune up your self-care game and indulge in activities that bring you joy, and pamper yourself with a little relaxation.  But, most importantly, and especially during the holiday season, open your heart to forgiveness and practice compassion. Venus trine Neptune is also the perfect time to strengthen romantic relationships.

After an easy beginning of the week, the middle of the week brings tension and drama. Even though the Sun does trine Jupiter (ordinarily a positive aspect), it may not be enough to overcome the other planetary energies. On Wednesday, Mercury forms a tense square to Neptune. Since Mercury is still retrograde, communication issues will likely surface, and you need to pay close attention to facts and details. Later in the day, Mercury will conjoin Mars in Sagittarius. Put a watch on your tongue, because arguments may happen at a moment's notice, and tensions will be high. On Thursday, Mars tangles with Neptune, and this is a low-energy aspect. You may feel defeated by life’s circumstances, but remember to press in and press on.

This weekend, Venus moves out of Scorpio and flies up into the heavenly realms of Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius encourages us to broaden our horizons, learn something new, and open our hearts to new perspectives. This energy is especially useful in your relationships, which have become stale and monotonous, because you can use it to breathe life back into your relationships. On New Year’s Eve, the Moon spends most of the day in dutiful and ritualistic Virgo. Virgo energy is perfect for planning a prosperous and productive New Year. Get your intention boards ready, because you don’t want to miss your moment.

And I wish you all an amazing 2024!

Recommended Candles:  Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Uncrossing (Aunt Jacki), That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic)

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