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Supernatural Success in 3 steps

CMO Supernatural successWhat do they have that you don’t? Moxie? A sugar daddy? Whatever it is, you can create your own version of it with the products suggested with this

CMO spread. I started with the question, “What do I need to do to empower my goals?” Then I picked three cards to guide my internal process and open up to changes that need to happen in my thinking, feeling and behavior. The guidance was so good I had to share with all of you. I know some of you will see the light bulb go on.

Card 1 – Use this card to create personal evolution; Gossip Stop Hoo Doo candle.

“Eliminate the verbal negativity that is poisoning you.”

What you focus on grows, so if you are focusing on what other people are doing or saying you are putting too much energy in someone else’s teacup. How does that help you grow your own life? It doesn’t. In fact it could cause an energy deficit. Use the intention of the Gossip Stop candle to keep yourself focused on your life’s goals. You need all your energy to keep promoting your evolution.

Card 2 – Use this card to align your spirit with the change you are making; Fiery Wall of Protection Hoo Doo candle.

“You stand in the center with impenetrable protection all around you. Others may feel the flames while you never get burned.”

It’s possible you are not managing your boundaries well. Many say it’s lonely at the top. Does that tempt you to allow people into your space indiscriminately just so you don’t feel lonely? We all have to live our own life and that can give us the sensation that we are all alone. You are not! Your spirit guides are there every step of the way and they will never ever abuse your trust. Burn this candle to ensure your energy is protected while you get used to the new you with every change you make.

Card 3 – Use this card to awaken your belief and ask for divine assistance; Crown of Glory Hoo Doo Candle

“This is the personal will and gumption you need to face your challenges head-on.” Listen to the still small voice you can only hear when you are quiet and in a mindful space. Spirit doesn’t yell at us. We also have to silence the mental screams warning us of all that could go wrong. This takes personal will to manage this kind of inner peace. Light the crown of glory candle and visualize the brightness of the flame bringing the pure bright light from the divine right into your mind and heart. It will help you silence your mind and calm your heart so you can hear the words they are speaking to you. They will be words of encouragement, inspiration and guidance. If you are still hearing commands and criticisms, stop, take a deep breath and regroup. Re-affirm the belief that you deserve to be loved and treated in a loving way, then begin your meditation again.

Celebrate all your successes with a Witches Union Crown of Success patch. Wear it to remind you that being magical is not just an attitude, it’s empowerment.

Want to do your own personal Coventry Magic Oracle Reading? Visit your favorite purveyor of Coventry Products and ask them to order a deck for you. Or order online at

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Wear your Crown of Glory
Full moon in Scorpio April 29, 2018

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