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Getting good at creating your own reality

CMO getting good at creating realityYou put a lot of effort into creating your own reality. Remnants of spells and candle rituals decorate your altar. Your vision board is up

to date and beautifully represents your hopes, wishes, dreams and goals. Yet, something has not quite come home to roost. It makes you scratch your head with a, hmmmm, what is missing? When you are stumped with a question like this, it’s time for a Coventry Magic Oracle reading.

I brought this question to the oracle in hopes that it will help all of us with this same conundrum.

What blocks my magical talent and intentions? I Used spread two – a powerful combination of magic to break through you blocks and achieve your goal.

Card one - use this candle to overcome your challenge – Wicked Witch Mojo Fast Cash candle, clears out everything plugging up your cash flow, and rids yourself of the notion that you don’t deserve to be financially secure. Dreams need investment of both time and money. If your resources are caught up in another activity it’s time to set them free so you can give them new direction. Even if its income that is on the way, you can still attach it to supporting the current and top priority goal. Let this Fast Cash candle help you believe in yourself (passionately), stay focused on the prize and be acutely disciplined.

Card two - use this candle to help you transform fears into strengths – Hoo Doo Road Opener candle, makes sure you sweep away all those blocks, fears and inner demons that keep you from whatever your heart desires. Self-doubt (often referred to as an inner demon) is not your friend. It speaks falsehoods to you about your abilities. Even when you have the wherewithal to counter it with proof and witticisms, it attacks your worth as a human being in the human race. Don’t let that be the reason your magical talents and intentions are being blocked. Be fearless when it comes to facing down the reason you give up. YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Card three - use this candle to help you create what you desire – Hoo Doo Come to Me candle, says it’s not time to clear, it’s time to complete the creation process you started. You’ve reached the pinnacle of your work, open up to receive it and say “Come to Me”.

Reward your journey of overcoming weakness and self-doubt with a Witches Union Magical Adept patch. Wear it to remind you that being magical is not just an attitude, it's empowerment.

Want to do your own personal Coventry Magic Oracle Reading? Visit your favorite purveyor of Coventry Products or visit our online oracle,

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Dreams really do come true
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