Coventry Creations Blogs

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Fall Cleanup

GC HCBDoes your home feel more like a haunted mansion than a safe living space? Do you experience strange, unnatural occurrences or feel a negative funk hanging over your space? Sounds like it’s time for a good fall clearing.


During the months of September and October the veil between the spirit world and ours becomes thinner, meaning the natural barrier becomes more malleable and there is a meeting of the natural and spirit realms.

GC HCBDoes your home feel more like a haunted mansion than a safe living space? Do you experience strange, unnatural occurrences or feel a negative funk hanging over your space? Sounds like it’s time for a good fall clearing.


During the months of September and October the veil between the spirit world and ours becomes thinner, meaning the natural barrier becomes more malleable and there is a meeting of the natural and spirit realms.

This is truly a magical time, a season of transition, flux, between the seasons of life and death and great power is lying around with easy access. An amazing time for a witch, this phenomenon allows us easily contact deceased loved ones, spirit guides, your higher self and angels! Unusual and intense spirit manifestations become more regular, and mischievous or darker entities are out to play. This is a flurry of spiritual activity, and it can be overwhelming so it’s important to clear and ground yourself and your living space.

Each year Coventry Creations releases the limited edition Ghost Candle line tailored to meet your energetic needs during this time of accelerated psychic activity. Home Clear and Bless is formulated to dissipate past energies, spirit or otherwise, from your living space to create a place of safety, comfort and well-being.

For the perfect clear and ground spell, start by saging your home with the windows open to give the stale and/or negative energy a way of escape. Then carve your address into the wax of the Home Clear and Bless candle, place it in the center of your home, light, and whisper the attributes and energies you want present into the flame. Burn over the course of several days, or until the candle burns out. It may go quicker if there is a lot of clear. Then burn a Blessed Herbal Stability to ground and center.

Visit our website to fill your cart with Ghost Candles and other award-winning Coventry products. Don’t forget to sign up here for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

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Full moon in Aries on October 5, 2017
New moon in Virgo on September 19, 2017

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