Coventry Creations Blogs

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Casting the Dice - The Witches Union Mojo Bag for Gamblers’ Luck

Casting the Dice470Sometimes life requires risk.  You may be playing the slots, the stock market, or looking for a new job but in any case a little luck doesn’t hurt the gambler in all of us.  Call it hoodoo, rootwork, or conjure this practice often involves mojo bags and our Witches Union Local whipped up this bag to make the cards run in your favor.  Remember, if there is no risk there is no reward but no one said you couldn’t stack the deck in your favor.   




Motor City Hoo Doo Money Draw Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Black Cat Candle

Well worn clothes of the person in need of cash, green thread, and a needle


A green bag large enough to hold the following items

$2 bill or an Indian head penny

Pair of dice

St. Joseph medal for steady work and prosperity or St. Joseph’s beans, (aka fava beans or mojo beans)


Motor City Hoo DooHigh John Oil


We always leave room in the magic for your personal touch.  Keep in mind that hoodoo is kitchen witchery; if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t feel right, substitute it.   What is important is that you use seven items in addition to the conjure bag to reinforce good luck.


Make the Magic


Assemble your ingredients, set up a personal sacred space, and ask your ancestors for their intercession on your behalf.  Anoint the Motor City Hoo Doo Money Draw and Black Cat Candles with the High John Oil and light the candles. Place the items on the cloth and double it over to cover them.  Sew up the edges with the green thread.  It doesn’t have to be pretty but it does need to hold the contents together.  


Givevoice to your desires.  Sound has power and naming a thing is a way of manifesting it.  Create your own chant or use the spells provided on the labels of our products.  Wake up your mojo bag with your own breath.  Conjure and cajole to draw in the power of spirit to fill it with life and will.  


Seal your bag by sewing up the top.  Burn the candles and anoint the bag each day for seven days with the Motor City Hoo DooHigh John Oil and then place your Witched Union Local Gamblers’ Luck Mojo Bag in your purse, briefcase, or cash register and watch your coffers being filled.  


This mojo bag is designed for quick cash and fortune in financial matters.  It feeds off the energy of the Motor City Hoo Doo Money Draw and Black Cat Candles for immediate resultsbut settles into a steady stream of luck with the added influence of the other ingredients.  Sustain the magic for even longer by simply anointing the mojo bag with Motor City Hoo DooHigh John Oil when it feels like the energy is stagnating


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, Hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.  Look for further posts this month relating to the practice of Hoodoo including information on the feeding, care, rejuvenation, and discarding of mojo bags.


Raking in the Dough


Motor City Hoo Doo’s Money Draw Candle ranks among one of our top selling products and there is a good reason why.  Designed to magnetically attract the cash you need and desire, this rich green candle has a delightfully woodsy scent.  Use the candle on it’s own for a quick fix on financial matters or in the creation of the Witches Union Local Mojo Bag for Gamblers’ Luck.  You will seemingly be pulling money out of thin air in no time.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.  


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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Feeding the Magic
Golden Sales - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club...


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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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