Coventry Creations Blogs

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Feeding the Magic

hdo hj470In our Casting the Dice article this month we crafted the Witches Union Local Gamblers’ Luck Mojo Bag.  Rootworkers feed their mojo bags to reinforce the magic and refresh it with new energy.  To keep your mojo moving, periodically anoint your bag with Motor City Hoo Doo High John Oil and whisper your desires for continued luck in wealth.  Connect your spirit to the work by breathing life into it again.  


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.  Look for further posts this month relating to the practice of hoodoo including information on the care, rejuvenation, and discarding of mojo bags.


Motor City Hoo Doo High John Oil


High John the Conquer represents an unstoppable will and steadfast determination.  Awaken the drive to accomplish your goals.  Use Motor City Hoo Doo High John Oil to empower spells with an amazing endurance in the face of insurmountable odds.  High John refuses to be broken and pushes on when you need it most.  Problems and blocks to your success dissolve when High John joins the team.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.  


Making Changes with May’s New Job Spell Box


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s New Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money DrawCandles, Crown of Glory Oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?  These spell boxes are only available in May, order yours today, and clear your path to the perfect career.


In the News

Career and work are the themes for this month’s blogs and articles.  We will touch on some of the best sellers in the Motor City Hoo Doo line including Come to Me, Van Van, and Road Opener that will assist in financial matters.  Look for insights on drawing abundance, wealth, and prosperity into your life.  

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Protecting Investments
Casting the Dice - The Witches Union Mojo Bag for ...


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Thursday, 13 March 2025

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