Coventry Creations Blogs

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3 minutes reading time (558 words)

Don't just put a band aid on it.



April’s series of blogs called “Why? Discovering your personal motivation” has been inspired by excerpts from Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   


Just to recap: For 2015, we are dedicating ourselves to unleashing your personal power. Since this is no overnight task, we have broken it down month by month. April, we talk about discovering what is your personal motivation.   It may seem obvious, but being honest about what and why you want the things you do can be a tricky and sometimes painful. Last week was all about confronting those excuses that keep you from moving forward. This week we talk about ways to break down those excuses and look for real solutions.   Each Saturday  there will be a new blog about motivation and what drives you.  These blogs are really just a summary of the real exercises found in Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith, for more detailed explanation, I recommend checking out the entire book.


Don’t Just Put a Band Aid On It


This month we have been talking about getting underneath the surface to discover your personal motivations. We have talked about discovering your blocks, admitting to them and now healing them. Taking on something that is rooted deep inside your fears and even beliefs you were raised with has got to be one of the most unnatural things we try to do.  We are by nature efficient machines and our mind and habits will often follow well worn path.  Why start a new one?  To even be at the step, you need to be somewhat self aware and self reflective. I don’t have to tell you that most of us are not. This is to say, if you are at this point where you have acknowledged what you blocks you and have confronted what that means, you are already half way there. You have already shown bravery and a strong sense of character to be here right now.


If you have followed the “why” factor question to discover the core of what is blocking you from progress you may have already picked up on that most of your “resolutions” of change of have been band aids more than solutions. In Coventry Magic, Jacki has a step by step process of getting you to where you really need to look to solve. The book goes into greater details about which tools you can use as a result of this mind exercise to help yourself heal, but here are the step she suggests you use to get there:


  1. Write down your challenge, issue or wish

  2. Ask yourself, why do you need this in your life?  You do not have to justify it, just give honest answers. (because really you will only be fooling yourself if you don’t)

  3. Keep following the layers down by asking why.  Once you get down a few steps, truths start to reveal themselves. Find the underlying reason.

  4. Ask yourself, where did that come from?  When you understand why and what you can change it.

  5. Looking at what you wrote, look at the words and phrases and underline the ones that really stand out to you. Now you are at a point where you can start to build up your words for manifesting this reality.


“Now you can start to empower your magic.” Jacki Smith-Coventry Magic

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