Coventry Creations Blogs

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Looking at the crap you hide from yourself.



April’s series of blogs called “Why? Discovering your personal motivation” has been inspired by excerpts from Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   


Just to recap: For 2015, we are dedicating ourselves to unleashing your personal power. Since this is no overnight task, we have broken it down month by month. April, we talk about discovering what is your personal motivation.   It may seem obvious, but being honest about what and why you want the things you do can be a tricky and sometimes painful.  Last week we talked about things that block you. This week, it is all about confronting those excuses that keep you from moving forward.   Each Saturday  there will be a new blog about motivation and what drives you.  These blogs are really just a summary of the real exercises found in Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith, for more detailed explanation, I recommend checking out the entire book.


Looking at the Crap you Hide From Yourself


Nothing is ever as it seems to be. A trope yes, a popular line in a movie and song yes, but also true. You are always broke, on the surface, there may be a million and one reasons for this.  Rent it too high, your do not get paid enough, you don’t get enough hours, children are expensive, healthcare is expensive.  These are all true and sometimes crippling, but these are the symptoms of something bigger happening.


There are many things people will do to to combat the symptoms. Th scratch off lottery tickets, they go gambling, get rich schemes, prosperity spells and my favorite, just complaining a lot. They are easy to do because they require the smallest amount of effort, but they don’t really get to the core of it do they?  In Coventry magic, Jacki talks about why many times prosperity spells fail: “These spells (money) never dig a bit deeper into why you keep having prosperity issues.” Just with anything that makes a true difference, you need to dig deeper, you need to put in effort and you can’t expect it to just come to you.


Last week, I talked about using the “why” factor to get to the core of what is blocking you.  Now let’s take those blocks and really confront them.  Be honest about what they are any why you haven’t wanted to deal with them. For me, what I have been wanting to change for over 2 years now is my inactivity.  I was once a runner who lifted weights took pride in my health.  Lately, I have been struggling with this.  I look for excuses everyday to not do something that I used to love.  What changed?  This is a struggle for me to even confront. My go to are really just excuses so I follow the statement with a why.

I never run anymore   

    Why is that?

I am so out of shape that it will hurt too much

    Why is that?

Because I am not patient enough to start all over again

    Why is that?

I would rather watch TV or sleep in.

    Why is that?

because I have become tired all the time

    Why is that?

I eat a high in sugar diet which is causing me to be lethargic and have sleepless nights.

    Why is your diet sugary

I am too lazy to cook


I could keep going with this, why do I feel that I am lazy, but we could be here all night on that one.   Being lazy is my block.  Confronting that and really understanding that will be a long journey but I have identified it and admitted it. Next week we will talk about trying to work on your problems in a real way instead of just trying to fix the symptoms. 

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Don't just put a band aid on it.
What is your block?


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