Coventry Creations Blogs

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Golden Ticket- A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SC GTLet’s face it, winning is fun.  Children feel it when the carnival bell goes off and makes a pink stuffed gorilla a treasured possession.  As adults, winning is still fun.  The stakes have changed, but it’s still elevating to get that windfall of luck.  We aren’t playing for toys anymore; most of the time anyway.    


Included for free in all July purchases, Golden Ticket is crafted to help you win the prize!


The Witches Union Golden Ticket Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

Use coupon code BHO1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Oils in July

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Create the Future You Deserve
Money Emergency - A Witches Union Spell Box


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