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Good Loving Spell Box

When your love life seems like a myth…

SB GL 470sqEveryone is deserving of some Good Lovin’, but sometimes we take ourselves out of the running when we feel ugly, boring and plain old not good enough.   This February Witches Union Spell Box reminds you of your worth so you can shine your light for others to be drawn to!

You have to get your personal sense of worth ready for an effective love spell.   If you feel like a loser, then you will attract a partner that is looking for a victim.  When doing love magic, the first thing you MUST do is charge up your self-esteem.

The Good Loving Spell Box is all about finding your romantic super power and letting the light shine forth and draw the right partner to you.

Being vulnerable to a new love in your life is scary, risky and if this is not your first go-round on the love carousel, it can just not seem worth the effort.   It’s time to get real.  You stopped feeling like YOU are worth the effort and that is toxic to any new romance happening in your life.  Dating is filled with judgement; yours theirs and society’s.  Dammit, it is time to take that negative judgement out of the equation and put in discernment, quality control and self-worth!

The Good Lovin Spell Box is all about you and building your worth to a magical level that calls to just the right love interest – be it for a night, a season, or a lifetime.  When your A game meets the A game of a new romance you get sparks!

You can’t afford that negativity in this spell.  Once you are clear on your own assets, think about what you want in a romantic love interest.

This spell reminds you of your worth so you can shine your light for others to be drawn to!

So much of this spell is about that initial commitment to making a change.   Once your spell box arrives, open it with reverence, know that you are about to change the course of your live life!  

Use clean candle holders, a fresh altar cloth and patience for your own process.   This is about to be a fun adventure of discovering what makes you amazing.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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