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Love Locator Spell

What if the only romantic issue you had was you?

It’s time to get out of your own head and into your heart so you can find the love that is already waiting for you.  Really, the biggest issue with love is you.   People are just out there waiting to give love and get love.    Online dating is a $2 billion dollar industry and Valentine’s Day 2016 spending is expected to surpass $18 Billion.   So, why are you lonely when there are others just as motivated to find love as you are?

 When you let it, love will find you and take root.

In my 20+ years of experience in spiritual and magical counseling, love and money are the 2 issues that can tear down the strongest soul and throw them into a place of depression and doubt.  Funny enough, they are the same energy and the same core responses.   People are afraid of not being deserving and people are afraid of getting hurt.   When those are fears are driving your Love Bus, you stop opening up your heart and start opening up your judgements and analyze your potential partner right out of the door.

Being hurt is an important step in finding profound love.  You have to know the pain before you can truly see the depth of joy that love can bring.  Unfortunately, we have learned to stop at the hurt and make protecting our fears more important than finding deep love.

You don’t find love through a negative self-image, you only find more negativity to support your illusion.

You are a catch and when you see it, so will the one you are looking for.

The Love Locator Spell, found in Coventry’s January Spell Caster Club card is all about finding your own worth and clarifying what you want in a love relationship.   This spell will get you ready for that romantic interest to show up and become enamored with you and you with them.

What you will need for this spell:

Skeleton Key (or any key you do not use)

9 Whole cloves and 9 Juniper Berries

Red String and Red Square of Cloth

Attraction Blessed Herbal Oil

Energy & Will Blessed Herbal Candle

Love’s Enchantment Blessed Herbal Candle

Light the Love’s Enchantment and Energy & Will candles.  Hold the Key in your hand and declare to the universe that you are a loveable and desirable person and are ready for a relationship.   List out your amazing qualities on a piece of paper.  Don’t be shy about it either, brag a little because you are a catch!

String the Cloves, Juniper Berries and key onto the red string while listing all the qualities you are looking for in a romantic partner (make sure to include species, sex and sexual orientation on your list.)  Anoint the string with Attraction oil and declare that this person will be attracted to you and ready for a relationship too!

Roll up your list and wrap the red string with the key and spices on it declaring that you will be compatible, passionate and attracted to each other upon sight.  Wrap this up in the red cloth, tying it up with more red string.   

Place this in front of your candles until the next day.  Carry the pouch with you and anoint your feet, your heart and your hand with the love oil.  This will help lead you to your love and your heart will grow warm and loving when you find them.

Get ready – because this works!

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. The candles suggested in this spell are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.



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Continuing on our Wicked Folly
Re-Boot Spell Box


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