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Hand of God, the ultimate protection spell

Hand of god the ultimate protection spell sccc.retailProtection comes in many Layers. You can have security cameras and an alarm system to protect your possessions. You can have vaccinations, body guards and umbrellas to protect your physical body, and you can have blessings, evil eyes and Hamsa’s to protect your soul.

Do it all and your bases are pretty well covered. This month our spell caster club spell brings together the evil eye and hamsa to create a powerful and ancient code of protection. The Hand of God symbolizes direct divine reversal of negative energy and a coat of arms around you from on high. Do this spell and wear the patch confidently.

Coventry products you’ll need: Evil Eye patch, Evil Eve Witch’s Brew candle, Evil Eye Witch’s Brew oil, Sweet Grass World Oil, Jacki Smith, Coventry Creations, Witches Union, spell crafting, magic, spells

Other material needed- Bucket of warm water, clean wash water, Sea Salt, Pepper, Apple Cider Vinegar, Clean Spray bottle (large)

The Spell

This old world cleansing and protection of your house can be done any time, and repeated often to clear drama and build your protection. Start with lighting the Evil Eye candle and placing it in the center of your home. Place the Evil Eye patch next to the candle. Using the evil eye oil, anoint your crown chakra, 3rd eye, back of your neck, your hands and your feet. Do this for every person in the house during the cleansing. From the center of your home, face each direction and repeat, “With the strength of the divine, I cast out all evil.

Prepare your wash water by placing a cup of salt, a tablespoon of pepper, 3 cups of vinegar and 9 drops of Evil Eye oil in the water. Stir the mixture while saying your favorite prayer or the blessing on the candle. Fill a large spray bottle with the wash water. From the back to the front of your house, mop your floor and spray everything in the room with the water. If you have carpet, wring out the mop until almost dry, but use the mop to pick up the energy that has settled to the floor. When you get to the front door, walk the wash water all the way to the street and dump it. Rinse the mop clear with the remaining water in the spray bottle.

Refill the spray bottle with clean water and 9 drops of Sweet Grass oil and spray each room to refill it with positive energy. Anoint every door jamb and window with the Evil Eye oil. Place the patch and candle by your main entry door and burn the candle daily until gone. You can wear the patch or keep it in your home for protection. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

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Monday, 10 March 2025

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