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Mind over Anything Spell

SCCC Mind over anythingYour mind is very powerful. So powerful, it creates the circumstances of the life you live. Freaky. This is why everyone who talks about anything that has to do with metaphysics, manifestation, visioning, wishing and spell work starts with your thoughts. You are asked to become aware of what are you thinking, where your focus is and what you believe in.

Then you are taught to clear your mind and release the bad thoughts. In that one lesson alone you are freeing your mind so it can create the life you desire. Before you stress about mastering that, master a meditation practice. Get into the good habit of going within and letting go of what no longer serves you. Start here with our Mind over anything spell and set your mind free.

Coventry products you’ll need: Stability, and Problem Solving Blessed Herbal candles,
Inner Balance Blessed Herbal oil,Witches Union patch - Meditation

Other material needed- Quartz point Grounding stone, quiet space to meditate, Paper and pen,
Tarot or oracle deck of your choice

The Spell
A calm and centered mind is needed to hear that small still voice within. From this place answers are received, problems solved and opportunities created. Find a quiet space to meditate. Anoint the Stability and Problem Solving candles with the Inner Balance oil. Place them in a candle holder within your line of sight; one to the left, one to the right, and light the candles. Place the patch on your lap. Draw one card from your tarot or oracle deck and place it face down on the patch.

Hold the quartz point in your left hand and the grounding stone in your right. Sit comfortably and slowly breathe in and out. Soften your gaze to see both candle flames without focusing on either, let your mind drift and your body relax. Your problem or challenge will to come to mind. Let it drift away without judgement. Each time a thought comes to mind, let it unravel, releasing any specific thought you have about it. Stay in this still space for as long as you can, hopefully 5 minutes minimum. When you feel centered and relaxed, turn over your card and allow the messages from that card to flow through you. Release the original meaning of the card and let the images tell the story. Write down your impressions. Everything you need comes from the one card, you need no others. Do this every day until you feel you have the answers you need. Let the candles burn for at least one hour each time you light them. Never leave a burning candle unattended.
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Visit our website to browse the Blessed Herbal candles and more and make sure to check out our new Witches Union swag. This line
of fun products celebrates the powerful witch in you and your part in our community.

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Monday, 10 March 2025

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