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Spell Caster Club – June’s spell

Retail sccc Spell Caster Club Junes spellOpening to Divine Guidance

Listening to our guidance takes discipline. Like all relationships, it also requires us to be present. The divine is patient, but if we keep putting off those precious conversations, our connection will get weak and we will feel the distance growing.

It’s not the divine wandering away, it is our ability to refine our listening skills and our ability to reach up to touch the hem of her skirt. Spirit can only come so close before we start to smolder from the intensity of their love. If we want to be up close and personal and get the really good advice, we have to do our part and raise our vibration. Do this spell and keep clearing yourself of the heavy energy of wrong thinking and watch how you can fly. It could be the beginning of a really beautiful relationship or the renewal of one that may have gotten neglected when your life got demanding. After the spell is done, put your Divine Guidance patch on your altar or your bathroom mirror to acknowledge that the path is wide and rich with friends both in spirit and corporeal who will keep you company along the way.

The divine guides my journey

Coventry Products you’ll need; Angel Affirmation candle, Sweet Grass World Magic candle,Witches Union Divine Guidance patch

Other items you’ll need; 4 of your favorite crystals, a pendulum, tarot or oracle deck, pen and paper

The Spell

Set up your space with a comfortable spot to sit, an altar in front of you and your favorite crystals placed around you in the four directions. Place our candles in their holders with the patch between them, your pendulum to the left and your deck to the right of the candles. Light your candles and say the words on your patch three times.

“By North, South, East and West, the divine guides my journey.”

Stare into the flames and let your mind unwind. Let the thoughts from the day slip away one by one until you can hear that still small voice within in you. That voice is connected to the divine and will be your guide. You know you have found that voice when you are calm, confident and easy. That voice may fade in and out as you trigger thoughts that engage your waking mind. Let those thoughts fade away again.

Using the pendulum, ask your inner guide to show you the directions for yes and no. Practice a few easy and pointed questions with the pendulum. Test you inner guiding voice with the tarot or oracle deck. Ask your question and let your inner guidance give you an answer then draw one card for a deeper insight and answer. Journal about you events of the day and see how your sessions with the divine are preparing for your future.

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Full moon in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018


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