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Spell Caster Club card for Protection Magic

Spell Caster club card for protection magicHave you been cleaning your local witchy store out of protection tools lately? Have you noticed you keep feeling attacked or your “bad luck” is constantly sourced in something around you? It’s always our mission to create products that inspire our fellow humans to think outside the box and empower themselves.

Our March Spell Caster Club card to the rescue for those of us refusing to look within for the source of our pain. We believe healing our self-sabotaging ways is just the protection we’ve been looking for. It will make protecting ourselves from outside influences so much easier.

Oh Lordy, save me from my wicked ways - Protection from self-sabotage spell

The Coventry Products you will need are, Happy Home Blessed Herbal candle, Lakshmi World Magic candle, Protection Blessed Herbal oil,Witches Union protection invocation patch.

Other materials you’ll need, 1 Quarts point, 1 obsidian stone, 1 Amethyst stone, 1 potted plant in a 12” pot.

The spell. Light the Happy Home and Lakshmi candle and place them (in their candle holder) on either side of the potted plant. Anoint the obsidian and quartz with protection oil. Sit facing the plant and candles and hold the quartz and obsidian in your hands. Start verbalizing all the things going wrong in your life and things you may have sabotaged.

Verbalize the decisions you have made. Keep going until you feel you have released enough to stop the cycle of negative energy for the moment. Push the quartz, point down, into the plant dirt as far as it will go. Visualize its energy reaching to the core of the earth. Push the obsidian into the dirt, right on top of the quartz point.

Know that your struggles, bad luck and self-sabotage will continue to drain out of you, into the stones. The earth will transform this into positive energy. Place the amethyst on top of the dirt, above where you planted the other stones. This invited divine energy into you. Soothing and transforming your personal energy. Verbalize your transformational goals to the candles, stones and plant. Let the candles burn for a few hour.

Relight the candles every day for at least 3 hours and verbalize the progress you have made. Take good care of the plant. It if starts to wither, take the plant out to nature and return it and the stones back to the earth. Seal the deal with a Witches Union protection invocation patch. Do the ritual on the card and wear that patch to keep you protected.

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Visit our website to browse the Blessed Herbal candles and more and make sure to check out our new Witches Union swag. This line
of fun products celebrates the powerful witch in you and your part in our community.

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New Moon in Pisces March 17, 2018
Don’t know how to energetically protect yourself?


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Monday, 10 March 2025

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