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Spell Caster Club Card for Healing Magic

Retail SCCC for February healingThe reason we feel crappy is always below the surface just out of our conscious understanding. This is why finding the root cause or core issue is so helpful. Healers understand this and that is why they ask so many questions and test us in so many different ways.

While all that poking and prodding is going on in your outer world, do this Healing magic spell to wrap up and move out as much as you can of the root from your inner world so the rest of you can heal faster and more completely.

Healing Magic Spell – Finding the root – healing magic from the inside out

You will need:

Healing Blessed Herbal Oil, Stability Blessed Herbal Candle, Grief Affirmation Candle, Potato, Knife $ cutting board, kitchen string, paper & pen.

Anoint your hands with the Healing oil; touch your heart, the base of your skull and your feet. Rub the oil onto the Stability candle from the top down. Place the candle in a holder and light it. Spend time thinking about what healing you need in each level; spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Write or draw what your troubles are and what life will look like after you have been healed.

Light the Grief candle. Turn the paper over, invite in all parts of your soul from every age of this lifetime and ask to be guided in your words to a place where your troubles began. Ask for forgiveness from every part of your soul and write or draw out the story of your pain. Feel your body of pain around this issue lift from your body.

Cut the potato in half and hollow out the center just enough to put your paper inside of it. Fold your paper up into a small bundle and place it inside of the potato. Put in 9 drops of healing oil and spill in the molten wax from the Grief candle. Tie the potato back together and seal it with the Stability candle wax. Bury the potato in the ground, the location does not matter.

Burn the candles every day until they are consumed. Meditate on the healing and transforming the cause of your troubles into strengths.

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of fun products celebrates the powerful witch in you and your part in our community.

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