Coventry Creations Blogs

How do I manifest closure in a healthy way?

Saying goodbye is part of life, but what if we can’t let go peacefully or with dignity. Or, on the other hand, we are being hung onto by another

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  1016 Hits

How the divine guides our safety

CMO How the divine guides our safety

They don’t call it divine intervention for nothing. There are times we really need spirit to step in and make the course correction

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  947 Hits

Spell Caster Club - Cord Cutting Spell

SCCCordCuttingFeeling tired and don’t know why? It’s possible you’re being psychically hooked and drained by someone. Most of the time they don’t realize they are doing it. This spell will clear the hooks and drains off you and cut those cords.


Cord Cutting Spell - Getting rid of hooks and drains of others

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© 2017-11-19 21:20:52

  1151 Hits

Shut the front door

Healing MagicSometimes closure is hard because we don’t know we haven’t done it. We stand there saying goodbye without ever closing the door and walking away. Talk about mixed messages. Each one of us are responsible for our own part of letting good bye mean this is over.

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  1816 Hits

Magic without passion is just posturing

October HMThe power behind your thought is passion. When you’re positively passionate about your work, it’s beautiful. When you are negatively passionate about your work it’s tragic. It’s still beautiful, even though its beauty comes through surviving pain. If you don’t have any passion your thoughts don’t go anywhere.

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  2058 Hits

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