Coventry Creations Blogs

3 Effective ways to drain your personal power

May 2017 LTM Personal PowerBefore you start looking for who has taken a bite out of your empowerment, or who you may have given away your power to, you may want to make sure you are not the source of your own power drain. Have you become part of the culture of negativity? It’s a sneaky one and it can take hold without you even realizing.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  171 Hits

5 Quick Ways to Kindle Your Magic Spark

Aug2022 Magic101

Beginner or long-term mystic, there are moments when that magic spark eludes us. If this is you today, have a sit-down and give yourself a long hug because you need it and there is nothing wrong with you. Every spiritual and creative person runs their well dry and feels like their magic is gone.

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  183 Hits

5 Ways to Simplify your Meditation and Grounding Practice

Sep2022 Magic101

“I don’t know how to meditate” is like saying “I don’t know how to relax.”  There are many ways to achieve relaxation and its definition will vary with every person you ask, yet it is pretty simple at its core. Meditation is the same; there are many explanations on how to do it, yet it is a very simple process of limiting input so you can slow your thoughts.

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  617 Hits

It's Time For Some Growth!

April2023 Magic101

It’s finally Spring. The flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is green and trees are growing their leaves. Different kinds of growth are happening everywhere, why don’t you add your personal growth to the list?! If you aren’t sure how to, we’ll walk you through it.

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  515 Hits

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