Coventry Creations Blogs

Going within to conquer the retrogrades

LTM Going within to conquer the retrogradesThese planetary shenanigans are getting to me. We are dealing with 7 planets in retrograde; Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. At first glance this is worthy of a minor freak out and a loose plan to take a month-long sabbatical, but before you book your flight to Tahiti, let’s take a look at what a retrograde really means.

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© 2018-07-18 14:37:30

  1093 Hits

Feed Your Inner Wicked Witch (AKA, Your Empowered Self) with the Limited-Edition Wicked Witch Mojo Candles

Feb2020 FeatureRetailThe month of Dorothy is upon us and her Limited Editions are back in stock

(and Mercury Retrograde too)

plus 15% off all Wicked Witch Mojo Candles and oils

February’s theme at Coventry is Clarity in Love and with the planetary aspects that are stacking up, you will need and all of these candles to deal with the emotional, confusing and confrontational month ahead of us.

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© 2018-07-18 14:37:30

  893 Hits

Tips and Tricks to Wrangling Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God

1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i’s are dotted, and all the t’s are crossed. If you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde is over (June 22) to sign on the dotted line.

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© 2018-07-18 14:37:30

  611 Hits

Surviving Mercury Retrograde

May2023 Magic101

Another Mercury Retrograde, are you serious?! We know that life can get a little crazy during a Mercury Retrograde, but it doesn’t have to. We have a ritual that can make this Mercury Retrograde a little easier for you.

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  474 Hits

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