Coventry Creations Blogs

Who is the Man at the Crossroads?

Man at the CrossroadsThe Crossroads candle is back along with a key designed by Jacki Smith herself! Find out what wisdom deep within this key will unlock. Then call upon the Man at the Crossroads. He will ask you, “what is halting your personal progress”? “Which path is the right one for you”? Yes, he will be your escort through this trek in your personal Crossroad and he’ll also trick you into finding your own answers every step of the way.

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© 2017-07-13 09:21:16

  1738 Hits

The Firecracker Candle: A Testimonial

Hey Jacki! I just wanted to thank you for making your Blockbuster candle. My husband has been out of work since the first of March. He has applied to so many jobs and I have done a variety of candles without success. Last Tuesday I started one if the Blockbusters and did prayer work. That candle burned quick and high. On Thursday he got a phone call from a company and did a phone interview, met in person with them on Friday, and today was offered and accepted the job. I am indebted to you for creating such an amazing candle.

Shelly, Maryland
We are so happy for you and your husband, and we are so grateful for your kind words! 
There are very few Firecracker Candles left! We expect to be out by the end of the month, so make sure you get one of our Ultimate Blockbusters and make some magic!
FireCrackerBlockBusterCandle Lifestyle 470sq
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  1641 Hits

Does your happiness rely upon others?

Your Happiness BlogThose surprise attacks in the form of “constructive criticism” can tear apart your positive energy, especially when they come from people we seek approval of. We regularly doubt our own viability when others of authority disagree with us because we are constantly looking to others for validation; it’s our nature.

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© 2017-07-13 09:21:16

  1552 Hits

Your Magical Story

Magical Story“You are magical; you are so magical that you could write your own epic tale of witchcraft and wonder. That is what each spell is, an epic tale of uncovering a deep secret that has been keeping you from attaining your full powers and overcoming that secret.

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© 2017-07-13 09:21:16

  1641 Hits

We want to bring 25 years of magic to you

25 years of making magic....  

Can you believe in 2017, Coventry will have been making magic and spreading it around the world for 25 years?    At our estimate, by the end of 2017, we will have made nearly two million candles.  That’s a lot of magic and a lot of wishes fulfilled.

To celebrate our Quarter Century, Patty and I want to come to you!  We want to visit our retailers, meet and greet your customers, teach some classes, do some readings and celebrate 25 years of continual Coventry magic. If you are interested in getting in on the 25 Years of Magic tour schedule fill out the information below and myself or a Coventry Magic maker will contact you to sort out the details.

Follow this link to the request form


Keep it magic!
Jacki Smith
Enchantress, Coventry Creations



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  1929 Hits

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