Coventry Creations Blogs

Drawing Back the Bow of Success: A Witchy Guide to Achieving Your Goals

July2024 WitchesUnion 400How many prosperity spells does it take a witch to reach their goal? 

This sounds like the opening for a dad joke. If so, the punch line would be two. One to get out of your own way and one to manifest your intent. 

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The Colors of Prosperity

June2024 Magic101It’s a beautiful spring day where the fields are lush with colors. The green of the early buds, the gold of the dandelions, and the purple of the blooming lilacs fill you with the peace of abundance. Everywhere you look, the magic of nature is flowing around you, prosperous in its brilliance of life’s potential. This is the power of color to inspire your mood and set the tone for the magic you are about to experience.

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Astro Magic Forecast for June 2024

June2024 AstroMagic

The month of June brings the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood. So, while we are in the sign of the crab, our focus will be on self-care, caring for our families, family and tribal bonds, and comfort and security.

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Basil, the Ultimate Guide to a Classic Magical Herb

April2024 HerbMagic 400px

Basil. It’s not just a good name for sheep. When you think of basil, it’s likely your brain jumps to food. The Italian and Thai peoples in particular, make extensive use of this most aromatic of herbs. Considered a royal herb, Basil’s Latin name, Basileus means “king” and its Greek name, Basilikon, aligns it to the Basilisk.

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