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New moon in Scorpio on November 18, 2017

NewMoon Nov ScorpioThe moon is going dark in the sign of Scorpio on November 18th. When this happens, you have very little choice but to go within and do some soul searching. If you do it with the right attitude, you may come out with a fresh perspective on life and your role in it.

I like to do this introspective work with spirit. Even when I go to my Akashic records for insight, I know my spirit guides are there to help me sort out my wants from my needs. Take advantage of this new moon and schedule a date with yourself and have a long talk with your guides about what you are doing and where you are going.

The answers may surprise you.

Try this meditation technique to help you. Set up your sacred space for psychic protection and personal privacy. Light a Blessed Herbal Ancestor candle. Put on some really boring ambient music. Stay sitting up, close your eyes, and take three slow and deep breaths. The kind that fill your lungs from bottom to the top. You’ll know because your diaphragm expands as far as it can go. This will help you become grounded and centered.

Now focus on the center of your heart chakra. See yourself going right into the center of it. The longer you put your focus there the more peaceful you will feel. Imagine your heart chakra turned into a beautiful outdoor space. It can be a place you’ve been. Sit down and invite your favorite spirit guide or ancestor to join you.

Start a conversation and then let it develop organically. You’ve gone from directing the meditation to participating in it. Your guide will say things you didn’t orchestrate. It may startle you to have the experience of someone else inside your mind. Let it roll. Pay attention and commit the conversation to memory. When you are done, say thank you and good-bye for now to your guide. Come back to the room and write down as much as you can remember.

These are pearls of wisdom whose usefulness will become apparent to you as time goes by.

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