Coventry Creations Blogs

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New moon in Cancer on June 24, 2017

New Moon JuneCancer is the sign of nurturing, protecting and sustaining. This is exactly what we need when we are faced with a life change. It doesn’t matter if it was planned or completely unexpected, we all have our feelings about change. Like the crab, seek shelter when you’ve become overwhelmed with all the new information and feelings bombarding you.

Your nervous system can only handle so much and it’s wise to take care of it so you stay strong. The new moon in Cancer is beaming all its loving support to your mental and emotional state as you watch the world around you morph into something new.

Your tower card may not be happening today, that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared.

You may say, bah, I don’t need this sappy new moon to wrap me in its protection or life sustaining strength. I’m not going through a transition. Or you may say, I am strong, I can deal with it. I’m never given more than I can handle. I say to you friends, you are responsible for taking care of yourself and it’s best not to wait for the breakdown to find your limit. To stay strong during the hurricane of life, you have to be in good shape with lots of energy in reserve. Crab wisdom says, instead of screaming into the wind, snuggle deeper into the sand and preserves your resources. Even during calm times, take care of yourself by making sure you are doing more than keeping yourself together with dental floss and a pot of coffee. You need to be honest about your level of stress, create opportunities to rest and reflect, relax your body with a massage or hot soak in the tub with at least one Coventry Creations Candle lit. I recommend the Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle to purify your mental churning and emotional burning, and the Protection Blessed Herbal Candle to build up your personal boundaries. Also, find someone to talk to. Getting your thoughts and feelings out in the open can be an eye opener. Hearing the words with your own two ears is way different than hearing them in your head.

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