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New Moon in Gemini June 6, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Taking Charge of Your Mind

June2024 NewMoonOn June 6, 2024, the New Moon for the month occurs in social Gemini. The New Moon in Gemini is a perfect time to boost your communication skills and connect with others. Consider kicking off a writing project like starting a blog or journaling your thoughts. It’s also a great time to learn something new by picking up a book or joining a workshop. If you’re feeling social, reaching out to make new connections or catching up with old friends can be really rewarding. If you're up for a little adventure, even a short trip can refresh your perspective. Lastly, tidying up your space can help clear your mind, making room for all those new ideas Gemini brings.


Candle Ritual for Taking Charge of Your Mind

Nothing ruins a great idea more than a confused mind. So many times we let the monkey mind distract us from attaining our goals. It feels like writer's block, brain fog, and in the worse case scenarios, delusion. All this excess and misdirected mental energy rob us of clear, concise, organized, and satisfying thought processing and creativity. Many of us have been taught that creativity is spontaneous or comes out of the blue, but in actuality, it is directed energy that comes to us very deliberately and quite organized. It is very much part of our spiritual purpose in life. It’s our job to make a beautiful and nurturing place for it to land. That place is called our mind. During this new moon in Gemini, we will do a candle ritual together to clear our minds for the delightful inspirations that have our name on them. 

You will need these candle holders and candles: Bitch Be Gone Wicked Witch Mojo candle, Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Road Opener candle and Affirmation Tranquility candle.

Remove all packaging from the candles and place them in their candle holders. Next, you will create your sacred space to work in. Make sure you will not be disturbed during this ritual. This is your time for getting your mind clear, energized, peaceful, and ready for new inspirations. 

Light the Bitch Be Gone Wicked Witch Mojo candle, and speak into the flame all the things on your mind that are false, distractions, avoidances, confusions, and doubts. For example; “I really want to write a great blog, but I have no idea what to write about.” Keep going until your mind is empty. Visualize your words being burned up in the flame, gone forever.

When that step is complete, light the blue Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Road Opener candle. Now it’s time to energize your mind with fresh exhilarating energy. As this candle burns, visualize blue energy coming down from above and showering your entire aura and body. It’s as if the energy of the candle is invoking this blue light to bless you with the power to harness divine thought. Drink it up with your mind. You feel alive and tingle with clarity in every cell. You experience a level of alertness that has eluded you in the past. This experience is so invigorating and uplifting that you’ll want to jump up and get to work.

Before you do that and end this ritual prematurely, light the Affirmation Tranquility candle. Take some deep breaths and visualize the soft lavender color of the candle becoming a shower of lavender light coming down from above. As the light enters your aura and body, all that exhilarating energy becomes balanced and tame, ready to be of service to you. Take your time and allow yourself to become grounded and in control of your mind and emotions. When you feel calm and centered you can finish this candle ritual by blowing out the candles. Do this meditation and visualization with your candles anytime you feel the need. We are excited to see what you create this New Moon!


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Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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