Coventry Creations Blogs

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Candle Ritual for Opening Doors

July203 FullMoon

On July 3rd the Full Moon will be visiting Capricorn and getting the nod from Jupiter. These celestial vibrations open doors, create opportunities, accentuates cooperation, and most importantly, put a jetpack on anything you are planning to do. My question to you is, what do you need help with?


Candle Ritual for Opening Doors


This ritual is for anyone needing the Midas touch, or a lucky star to ride on in areas of influence, career, business, and partnerships. We will help you pull in the magic touch from the Moon, Capricorn, and Jupiter and put it to good use in your life. 

You will need anAstro Magic candle Jupiter, Lucky Star, a candle holder, a picture of an open door that will fit onto the side of the candle holder, something that represents your business, ideal career, or the people you want to work with or influence. It can be a copy of a business plan, customer list, description of your ideal customer, business card, resume, job posting, college class schedule, or anything that shows a path from here to there. A Sharpie marker in any color you desire.


Create a sacred space to work in and remove the packaging from your candle and place it in the candle holder. Tape the picture of the open door on the candle holder. Say the invocation on the label then light the candle.


“Jupiter, help me make my dreams bigger, my goals wilder and my spirit brighter. Release me of the limits and fears that hamper my success and be the lucky star that makes all of my wishes manifest.”


Then take your item or items and write all over them with what you need and when you need it. Be as descriptive as possible. Then write, “and all that the Universe wants to give me, according to divine law and the best for all concerned.” When you are done, place your items next to the lit candle. Burn your candle for up to three hours a day until the candle is consumed. Watch for opportunities to cross your path. Be sure to act on them. That will keep the door open to future lucky circumstances to happen for you.


Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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