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Change is Going to Do You Good

Feb2023 FullMoon

We are at that place again where the lunar energy reminds us change is inevitable and it can be a good thing. Leo, the lion’s power comes from knowing who he is and what he’s here for. When we are weak in this area, a Full Moon in Leo will give us the motivation needed to figure it out.

Do you need to make personal changes? Here’s a candle ritual to power up your trajectory to a better life.


Candle Ritual for Good Change

You will need aFull Moon Astro Magic candle and holder, a Blessed Herbal Energy/Will candle and holder, and a 9-volt battery. If so inspired, grab a picture of a mature healthy male lion.


This will be an exciting candle ritual because it’s all about you and designed to put a fire under you for honest introspection and solid decision-making. After removing all the packaging from the candles, place them in candle holders and put the 9-volt battery and picture of the lion between them. First, light the Full Moon candle and affirm that new beginnings and changes are good and that you do have a say in how things go because you are the one initiating this change. Then light the Blessed Herbal Energy candle. Affirm that you have the energy and motivation to take an honest look at your life and to make the changes you need and want. The battery and picture of the lion will remind you to keep going, you have the power.

While the candles are burning, do a written assessment of your home life, friendships, career, health, money, and your attitudes. What do you like or what is going well and what do you not like and would like to change? 

When you are done with the self-evaluation, start brainstorming on how you would want your life to look and possible options. Are there any role models out there for you? If yes, research their lives and learn about their challenges and what did they overcome them. It’s important that you listen to their philosophy and attitudes about life. No role models out there for you? Then look to philosophy, metaphysics, and religious dogma to inspire you. There is no shortage of wisdom there. Have fun with this candle ritual, it’s a page-turner and door-opener!    

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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