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Candle Ritual for managing the big picture

Full Moon in Gemini December 18, 2021

On December 18th, the Full Moon lands in mercurial Gemini, and with Jupiter adding her influence, your mind can be put in a tsunami of ideas and inspirations. You’ll experience a pull to wanting to understand the world around you in a much broader sense.

Even your own sandbox will seem dull at this time. As you explore, seek wisdom, not judgment!

Candle Ritual for Managing the Big Picture

Let’s face it, our big ole world is not an easy place to be in let alone understand. How do we get global without getting lost or disheartened? We have a suggestion. Link up with the vibration of love. Big love, as in universal unconditional love. The kind of love that is filled with compassion, tolerance, understanding, and kindness.

For this candle ritual, you will need three candles, Blessed Herbal Truth and Justice, Affirmation Angel and Ganesh World Magic candles. Three candleholders and you.

Prepare all the candles by removing their packaging and placing them in candle holders. Sit in the middle of the floor and put the Truth and Justice candle in front of you, the Angel candle to your right, and the Ganesh candle to your left. Light all the candles and go into meditation. Ask that you be filled and surrounded by Spiritual Love. Picture pink light coming down from above surrounding and filling you. Sit with that for fifteen minutes or more if you wish.

Take deep cleansing breaths to release all that is not of love. Let this love heal you, uplift you, change you for the better. Release your fear, anger, and cynicism. When you feel complete with that step, ask for the truth to fill you. Not your truth, but THE truth, about the world you live in. Let yourself see people with compassion. Open your heart to understanding what it means to be human. Now ask the Angels and Ganesha to help you understand your role in the big universal plan. What have you come here to do? Will it bring more love into the world? Will it bring more understanding or peace or inventions? You are here for a reason and it will put a ripple in the fabric of life. What is it?

After your meditation is complete, write down what you have discovered. Feel the freedom of being in tune with universal love brings you. Now blow out your candles and come back and do this meditation whenever you are feeling out of rhythm with universal love.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw, facebook@healingwithpattyshaw>

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