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Candle Ritual for RE-Aligning with your Destiny

New Moon in Sagittarius December 4, 2021


The excitement of this new moon can’t be denied. The Sun is in Sagittarius and in an eclipse while the moon is new and also traveling through the sign of Sagittarius. Talk about abundant possibilities and bursting potentials.

The solar eclipse does make the energy a little hard to handle because it’s so potent. Much like taking a tiger by the tail. Still this is the perfect time to look at your life, what you’ve accomplished and how that stacks up to your aspirations. Have you been all in, or have you let someone else be the magician in your story? What we mean is, did you let your life be derailed or misdirected because you have given someone else the leading role in your story? Not acceptable! You are the writer, director and star. Get back in alignment with your destiny with this candle ritual and do it during this New Moon.

Candle Ritual for RE-Aligning with your Destiny

You will need three candles. The first candle you will work with is a white candle to help you shake off any hanger oners that have agenda’s with your energy. We recommend a Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing candle. The second candle you will work with is an orange candle to wake up your soul. We recommend a Blessed Herbal Energy/Will candle. The third candle you will work with is a blue candle to mend your connection with your destiny. We recommend a Blessed Herbal Inner Balance candle.

On December 3rd, day one of the new moon, prepare the first candle by removing all packaging and writing the names of any person, situation, attitude or feeling that has pulled you away from living life on your terms. If you need more space, write it out on a piece of paper. When you are done, place the candle in the holder, and if needed, fold the paper and put it under the candle holder. Say some words about releasing and being released from these influences. Here is a little prayer to inspire you.

“I surrender my fear of living the life I am meant to live. I also let go of my dependence on others because I didn’t have confidence in myself. I love myself enough to take these first steps to independence. I thank the people who have helped me along the way, even though it was co-dependent or unhealthy, I am now ready to take it from here.”

Now light the candle and let the flame release the energy that has kept you from living the life you came here to live and reaching your potential. Then go into meditation and ask to be cleansed of all attachments between you and another or a thought or a belief or situation by the white light. Asked to be cleared Body, Mind and Soul.

On December 4th, the peak of the New Moon, prepare the second candle and prepare yourself for waking up to living the life you are meant to live. On a piece of paper write out your “bucket list”. These are all the things you want to experience and accomplish. Give each item a one, two or three rating. One being the highest priority and three being the lowest priority. Then take some time to sketch out a plan for all your first priorities. You can even do this in a spreadsheet. Accomplishing goals is a journey and you will benefit from making a journey map for each goal.

Let this exercise of putting all your hopes and dreams in black and white inspire you. Let it wake up your soul and put the fire beneath you that lifts you up with enthusiasm and motivation. Now light that candle and don’t let your soul hit the snooze button. It’s time to get up and go. Keep this candle burning for one day. Of course blow it out if you leave the house and relight it when you return.

On December 5th, the third day of this new moon, prepare the third candle. Now that you have filled yourself with the energy you need, it’s time to heal the disconnect you’ve been feeling with your destiny. It’s one thing to make plans and get excited about them, but to sustain that, you will be pulling from a part of you that knows no bounds and believes in you 100%. We’re talking about your higher self. This is the part of you that doesn’t fall for the trappings of mind games, emotional bombs or self doubt. It gets its power from the Source of All and when you disconnect from that, you are running on fumes.

Light your blue candle and go into meditation. Ask to be protected and bring your attention up to a golden ball of light about 24” above your head. This is your higher self. Everyone has one, it’s part of the equipment. Focus on this chakra and get into it as best you can. Ask for help to open up a better connection. Ask that anything that is interfering with your ability to connect with your higher self be cleared. Do this meditation for three days. Then practice following your intuition and making that bucket list a reality.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,facebook@healingwithpattyshaw>

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